Part I - General Principles

Article 1. Objective and outputs
Article 2. Definitions

Part II - Iodized Salt Standard

Article 3. Iodized Salt Standard
Article 4. Filling and Packaging
Article 5. Labeling
Article 6. Storage and transportation

Part III - Prohibition

Article 7. Prohibitions
Article 8. Rewards
Article 9. Measures towards violators

Part IV - Final provisions

Article 10. Implementation
Article 11. Effectiveness

Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity

Ministry of Health                 No. 102 /MoH
Vientiane Capital, dated 21 January 2004


  • Pursuant to the Prime-Minister decree No. 42/NA, dated 20 June 1995;
  • Pursuant to the Prime-Minister Regulation No 020/PM, dated March 9, 1999 on the structure and function of the Ministry of Health;
  • Pursuant to the real status, surveillance of Iodine deficiency in past years, the technical agreement between Food and Drug Department, Department of Hygiene-Prevention and Food and drug Quality Control Canter.

The Minister of Public Health issues the Provision on the standard of Iodized Salt as follows:

Part I
General Principles

Article 1. Objective and outputs

1. Objective

To control the quality of iodized salt produced, imported and distributed in Lao PDR in order to comply with the standard specified by the Ministry of Health, to promote, and for consumer’s health protection.

2. Outputs

The consumer should receive iodized salt which of good quality and standard, in order to eradicate iodine deficiency disorder. Top

Article 2. Definitions:

Iodized salt means processed salt products from general salt (including boiled salt and dried salt mixed with potassium iodated. Top

Part II
Iodized Salt Standard

Article 3. Iodized Salt Standard

            Iodized salt should be mixed according to the following standard:

3.1. iodized salt should contain potassium or sodium iodate according to the following measures:

a. not less than 35 mg   potassium or sodium iodate per 1 kg salt,
b. not more than 100 mg potassium or sodium iodate per 1 kg salt,

3.2. Iodized salt has the characteristic of hard cubic or white powder, should not be contaminated with ash, dust, sand, stone or foreign matter and should have following characteristics:

3.2.1. Moisture not more than 4% w/w
3.2.2. Insoluble matter not more than 1% w/w
3.2.3. Soluble matter (except NaCL) not more than 3% w/w
3.2.4. Sodium chloride (NaCL) not less than 96% w/w
3.2.5. Iodine

  • in between 40 to 60 ppm at production site and borders;
  • not less than 20 ppm at point of sale places and household;

3.2.6. Heavy metal contaminants not more than:

  • As        0, 5 mg/kg       Cu        2mg/kg
  • Pb        2mg/kg            Cd       0,5 mg/kg
  • Hg       0, 1 mg/kg Top

Article 4. Filling and Packaging

Iodized salt should be filled and packed with plastic bags according to the required standard of sizes as appropriate such as: 500g, 1 kg and avoid big volume of packaging to maintain the quality of salt according to article 3 above. Top

Article 5. Labeling

            The labelling of the packaging of iodized salt should display, as a minimum, the relevant content in Lao or English as follow:

  1. Name: Iodized salt;
  2. Name of producer or manufacturer  and approved trade mark;
  3. Registration number issued by Food and Drug Department;
  4. Lot number and manufacturing date;
  5. Weight;
  6. Iodine content (ppm or mg/kg). Top

Article 6. Storage and transportation

Iodized salt should be stored in the following conditions:

  • Dry area, good ventilation system;
  • Do not store near an oven or under the sun;
  • Avoid damp; no contact with water or rain;
  • No dust or chemical contamination. Top

Part III

Article 7. Prohibitions

The production, import-export, sale and distribution of salt which does not comply with the requirement specified in part II article 3,4,5 and 6 of this decision is prohibited. Top

Article 8. Rewards

Individuals, companies or organization implementing this decision diligently shall be adequately rewarded and privileged with treatment determined by the government. Top

Article 9. Measures towards violators

Individuals or organizations, producers, importers and merchants that violate this decision shall be educated, warned, fined and punished, depending on the gravity of the case as follows:

9.1. 1st violation: Educate, warn and record in the file

9.2. 2nd violation: Seize goods and fine10% of the value of the goods according to the market price and record in the file

9.3. 3rd Violation: Seize goods and fine twice the value of the goods according to the market price, record in the file or/and collaborate with and submit to the concerned authority for the temporary suspension or closure of the business depending on the case. Top

Part IV
Final provisions

Article 10. Implementation

The Food and Drug Department, Department of Hygiene and prevention and concerned organizations shall do the necessary to implement this regulation in order to make it effective. Top

Article 11. Effectiveness

The provision on the iodized salt standard is effective from the date of signature.
This provision replaces the standard of iodized salt no 1029/MOH, dated 09/06/1995. Top

                                                                                                                                      Minister of Health
H.E. Ponemek DARALOY



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Measures / Standards
# Name Type Agency Description Law Valid To Apply To
1 Composition of Ingredients in Iodized Salt SPS Ministry of Health Imported iodized salt must contain prescribed quantities of certain substances and conform to various minimum quality standards. Provision On Iodized Salt standard No. 102/MOH 9999-12-31 ALL
2 Packaging requirements for Iodized Salt SPS Ministry of Health Imported iodized salt must be packed into specific types of containers. Provision On Iodized Salt standard No. 102/MOH 9999-12-31 ALL
3 Labelling Requirement for Iodized Salt TBT Ministry of Health Imported iodized salt must conform to prescribed labelling requirements. Provision On Iodized Salt standard No. 102/MOH 9999-12-31 ALL
4 Storage Requirements for Iodized Salt SPS Ministry of Health Imported iodized salt should be stored under certain prescribed conditions. Provision On Iodized Salt standard No. 102/MOH 9999-12-31 ALL
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