(Unofficial translation)


Ministry of Technology and Communication
Cabinet Office      No. 356/CO.MoTC
Vientiane Capital, on 29 June 2021


Dear: Individuals, legal entities, business units or organizations, both domestic and foreign.

Subject: Register for Short Wave, AM, FM, Analogue and Digital.

  • Pursuant to the Law on Radio Communication Frequency, No.17/NA, dated 05 May 2017;
  • Pursuant to the decision of the Minister of Posts, Telecommunications and Communications on Organization and activities of the Cabinet Office No. 654/ MOPTC, dated 28 March 2016.

     The Cabinet Office, Ministry of Technology and Communications is honored to inform you that in applying for legal registration of frequency waves and ensuring to use the waves as effectively, in order to prevent interference and accordance with the international regulations as Laos is a member. Therefore, we would like to inform you to register with the Department of Frequency, Ministry Technology and Communication, for the use of Short Wave Radio, AM, FM, Analogue and Digital.

     Individuals, legal entities, business units or organizations, both domestic and foreigners who uses radio frequencies at provincial stations, including Short Wave, AM, FM, Analogue and Digital that need to be registered with the Department of Frequency, Ministry of Technology and Communication within 03 months from the date of issuance, by consulting with the Provincial Division of Technology and Communications. If not registered, there will be a fine, according to Chapter 13 of the Law on Radio Frequency Communication No.17/NA, dated 05 May 2017.

Therefore, you are informed and implementing accordingly.

Head of Cabinet Office

Valasay Dalaloy


# Title Download
1 Notification for registration of Short Wave, AM, FM, Analogue and Digital, No. 356/CO.MoTC, on 29 June 2021. PDF
2 ແຈ້ງການ ຂື້ນທະບຽນການນໍາໃຊ້ຄື້ນຄວາມຖີ່ວິທະຍຸກະຈາຍສຽງລະບົບ Short Wave, AM, FM, ໂທລະພາບ ອານາລັອກ (Analogue) ແລະ ໂທລະພາບ ດີຈີຕອນ (Digital), ເລກທີ 356/ຫກຊ.ກຄຖ, ລົງວັນທີ 29 ມິຖຸນາ 2021 PDF
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