Unofficial translation





Ministry of Finance

Department of Customs

No. 07461/DC

 Vientiane Capital, on 27 December 2021




To:    - Head of Divisions in the Department of Customs

          - Head of Customs at the Provincial and Capital level Office

          - Head of Custom Border Checkpoints and Warehouse of the Customs Office across the country

Subject: Terminate the issuance of Customs Certificate (B9) for importing vehicles (CBU)


- Pursuant to the Customs Law No. 81/NA, dated 29 June 2020;

- Pursuant to the Order of the Prime Minister on the Facilitation of Import-Export, Temporary Import, Transit and Movement of Goods in the Lao PDR No. 12/PM, dated 16 October 2019;

- Pursuant to the Instruction of the Ministry of Finance on the Implementation of the Customs Law No.3269/MOF, dated 26 July 2021;

- Pursuant to the Decision of the Ministry of Finance on the Organization and Operation of the Customs Department No. 2059/MOF, dated 29 April 2021;

- Pursuant to the minutes of the meeting of the Secretariat of the Central Trade Facilitation Committee on 10 December 2021.


Recently, Customs certificate (B9) has been used for customs declaration for importing vehicles to ensure the accurate information of customs declaration and duty payment, which has not yet been used electronically and paid by cash. Currently, the Customs administration has incorporated the ASYCUDA system into customs declaration and used the SmartTAX system for duty payments. This system will integrate and exchange information with relevant sectors to streamline and clarify customs clearance procedures.


Department of Customs has issued a notification of guideline that:

1. A detailed customs declaration for the importation of a vehicle (CBU), after completing the detailed customs declaration process at the border customs. The applicant has to use the ASEAN Customs Declaration Document (ACDD) with the original documents that have been properly verified, clearly through the electronic system for vehicle registration by the regulations of the relevant departments.

2. The customs authorities at each level should stop issuing the customs certificate (B9) for the notification of the import of vehicles in the form of vehicles (CBU).

3. For the customs declaration for importing vehicles in the form of components (CKD, IKD), the initial import customs declaration did not specify some clear information such as engine number, tank number, and color. After imported and completed set up as a vehicle, including correct information about the vehicle. The importer shall bring the detailed customs declaration and certification documents from the relevant departments to submit to the Customs Department for issuance of the customs certificate (B9) and then proceed with the registration process.

4. In practice, if there are any difficulties, report to the Customs Department for a solution in accordance with laws and regulations.

5. This notification replaces the Customs Department Decision No. 0675/DC, dated 08 January 2010, Resolution of the Customs Department No. 1804/DC, dated 30 June 2010, Guidelin of the Customs Department No. 1853/DC, dated 08 July 2010, and is effective from 01 January 2022 onwards.


Therefore, please be informed and implement strictly.


General Director

Phoukaokham Vannavongsay


# Title Download
1 Guideline to terminate the issuance of Tax Certificate (B9) for import of vehicles (CBU), No. 07461/DOC, date 27 December 2021 PDF
2 ແຈ້ງການແນະນໍາ ການຢຸດຕິ ອອກເອກະສານຢັ້ງຢືນການເສຍພາສີ (ບ 9) ສໍາລັບການນໍາເຂົ້າພາຫະນະເປັນຄັນ (CBU), ເລກທີ 07461/ກພສ, ລົງວັນທີ 27 ທັນວາ 2021. PDF
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