(Unofficial translation)


Ministry of Energy and Mines     No. 450/MoEM

Vientiane Capital, on 03 March 2022


To: - Director General of the Department of Mining Management;

- Head of Energy and Mine Division of Capital/Province;

- Mining Investment Companies.

Subject: Monitoring the movement of minerals for domestic distribution and export.

  • Pursuant to the Law on Minerals No. 31/NA, dated 03 November 2017.
  • Pursuant to the Order on the improvement of Regulations and Coordination Mechanisms for Doing Business in the Lao PDR No. 02/PM, dated 01 February 2018.
  • Pursuant to the Notification of the Ministry of Finance on the management, monitoring and inspection of mineral products No. 5087/MOF, dated 12 October 2021.
  • Pursuant to the Notification of the Department of Mining Management, No. 0733/MoEM.DMM6, dated 28 February 2022.

   The Ministry of Energy and Mines is honored to inform you: in monitoring the distribution of minerals in the country and exporting minerals that must be complied the following implementations:

1. The Capital/Province Division of Energy and Mines must coordinate with the Capital/Province Division of Finance (State Property Management Division) in monitoring the movement of minerals and mineral products at the source and warehouse. Both authorize must provide certification of minerals and have a sign of memorandum between authorizers and a company (to be deducted the notification on sale of mineral products that have to be issued by the Department of Mining Management). Do not publish any more certifies that will create difficulties for entrepreneurs.

2. The field staff consists of only one representative from the Capital/Province of the Division of Energy and Mines and Finance (State Property Management Division); If a provincial official is unable to attend, the line at the district level will be assigned instead.

3. For a large-scale mining project or any project that the local level cannot monitor, the Department of Mining Management shall be responsible for implementation and consideration as appropriate.

4. In facilitating and wages of the field authorized are responsible by the relevant companies by the regulations issued by the Ministry of Finance.

5. Monitoring mineral moving or exporting through the Laos-China Train is responsible for the cooperation between the Capital/Province Division of Energy and Mines and Finance (State Property Management Division). Both authorities must monitor the inventory replenishing goods (warehouse loading is not allowed into the system created by the Ministry of Finance) with a certificate and memorandum between the field authorities and a company. The minerals that are responsible by the Finance Sector where is located at a warehouse or at a dry pot which is a checkpoint for the import/export of the mineral products that will be monitored by the Customs.

6. Field authorize must provide regular basis by weekly, monthly, and yearly reports of the monitoring minerals distribution at their level.

   Therefore, we would like to inform for your reference and implementation.


PhD. Daovong Phonekeo


# Title Download
1 Notification to monitor the movement of minerals for domestic distribution and export, No. 450/MOEM, date 03 March 2022 PDF
2 ແຈ້ງການ ການຕິດຕາມກວດກາ ການເຄື່ອນຍ້າຍແຮ່ທາດ ເພື່ອຈໍາໜ່າຍພາຍໃນ ແລະ ສົ່ງອອກໄປຕ່າງປະເທດ, ເລກທີ 450/ພບ, ລົງວັນທີ 03 ມີນາ 2022 PDF
Measures / Standards
# Name Type Agency Description Law Valid To Apply To
1 Inspection requirement for export - Mineral Product Inspection Requirement Ministry of Energy and Mines The mineral products need to be inspected at the processing or production site by the officer of Energy and Mines Sector in collaboration with the officer of State Asset Management Sector before an exportation.
  1. Decree on export mining products, No. 90/PM, dated 09 June 2008
  2. Notification to monitor the movement of minerals for domestic distribution and export, No. 450/MOEM, date 03 March 2022
9999-12-31 ALL
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