Article 1. Criteria to Buy Explosive Materials
Article 2. Regulations for the Transportation of Explosive Materials
Article 3.  Fundamental Conditions [Specification] of a Warehouse for Explosive Materials
Article 4. Management and Use of Explosive Materials
Article 5. Final Provision

Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity

Ministry of National Defense
General Military Logistic Department
National Defense Industry Department         No.042/NDID, Dated 05 November 2008

Provision on
The Management and Use of Civilian Explosive Materials by Projects and Agencies

  • Pursuant to Prime Minister’s Decision of Lao PDR, N. 39/PM, dated 12 July 2001 on the regulations on the management of civilian explosive materials in Lao PDR.
  • Pursuant to the Decision of the Minister of National Defense, N. 48/ND, dated 12 July 2005 on the rights to import explosive substances into Lao PDR.

The National Defense Industry Department, General Military Logistics Department [Ministry of National Defense] issues the Regulation on the management and application [use] of explosive materials as follows:

Article 1. Criteria to Buy Explosive Materials

  1. Projects, companies, departments [agencies] wishing to use explosive materials shall submit the following documents to the National Defense Industry Department for consideration:  
  • Valid Business License related to using explosive materials in accordance with the law;
  • Approval letter for the warehouse location where explosive materials are to be kept [approved] by the War Department, the General Military Department;
  • Proposal letter specifying the purpose of use and also to inform of the place [location] where such explosive materials [proposed] for the projects, companies, departments [agencies] shall be used.
  1. Each time explosive materials are bought from the Lao-Yun company, projects, companies, departments [agencies] shall submit the following documents:
  • Approval letter to buy the explosive materials issued by the General Military Logistic Department;
  • Proposal letter specifying the purpose of the use and also to inform of the place [location] where such explosive materials [proposed] by the projects, companies, departments [agencies] shall be used;
  • Vehicle certificate of the truck used for the transportation of the explosive materials;
  • Identity card of the driver and of the officer who will monitor the transportation.
  1. It is prohibited for projects, companies, departments [agencies] to import explosive materials into Lao PDR without consideration from the National Defense Industry Department and permission from the Ministry of National Defense.
  1. It is prohibited for projects, companies, departments [agencies] to buy and sell explosive materials from or to each other without permission from the National Defense Industry Department. Top

Article 2. Regulations for the Transportation of Explosive Materials

  1. For every transportation of explosive materials, the following documents shall accompany [attached with] the truck:
  • Approval letter to transport [move] the explosive materials issued by the National Defense Industry Department under the General Military Logistic Department;
  • Warehouse bill specifying the [description and amount of] the explosive materials that are loaded from the warehouse; during the transportation, the actual explosive materials and the description in the bill shall match so that the documents are considered correctly.
  1. The transportation truck [vehicle] for explosive materials shall have all required documents in accordance with transportation regulations; additionally, the sign “Dangerous Materials” shall be displayed on the truck; four parking signs – red with white stripe – shall be placed around the truck while it is parked; the truck shall be equipped with a fire extinguisher and shall travel along the prescribed road; in some cases, a vehicle to clear the road for safety may be necessary.
  1. If the projects, companies, departments [agencies] are not able to ensure safety during transportation of explosive materials, they should request the National Defense Industry Department to provide such transportation services.
  1. It is prohibited to transport caps and bombs in the same truck.
  1. It is prohibited to park a truck transporting caps or explosive materials in community areas where there are many people, city centers or important places.
  1. It is prohibited to carry passengers or transport explosive materials with other goods. Top

Article 3. Fundamental Conditions [Specification] of a Warehouse for Explosive Materials

  1. Every agency wishing to use explosive materials shall have a warehouse for its own project.
  2. Projects, companies, departments [agencies] located in any locality shall coordinate with the local Military Center (or Police) of the District and Provinces to determine the location of the warehouse for explosive materials; then, propose the result to the War Department, the General Military Department to officially approve it. As for the blueprint [construction design] of the warehouse for explosive materials, this should be approved on technical aspects by the National Defense Industry Department.
  3. A warehouse for explosive materials shall be located in an appropriate and safe geographical area such as:
  • It should be at least 500m away from flooding areas, road and community areas.
  • A warehouse for caps shall be separate from the warehouse for explosive materials. If they are in the same location, a wall or a sand-bag wall should be placed between the warehouses. The warehouse should be fenced with a metal net or barbed wire with anti-thunder system, fire extinguishing system, lighting system outside the fence and warning signs.
  • A warehouse for explosive materials shall be equipped with key lock and have 24 hour guards [security guards].
  • It is prohibited to keep caps and explosive materials in the same warehouse. Top

Article 4. Management and Use of Explosive Materials

  1. Warehouse staff shall keep books to record stocks and the supply of explosive materials and caps. Any explosive materials surplus to use shall be recorded and kept in the warehouse in order to avoid loss.
  2. Warehouse staff shall monitor the use of explosive materials, for instance, they should be kept appropriately in accordance to the technical requirement; and the expiration date of the explosive materials. If explosive materials of inferior quality are found, they should be kept for evidence and the suppliers should be informed.
  3. Every 3 months, projects, companies, departments [agencies] using explosive materials shall summarize the book-keeping records and report to the National Defense Industry Department and the Military (or Police) Center of the District and Province.
  4. Persons who use explosive materials directly shall be trained on the techniques and shall have a certificate from the training agencies.
  5. Each time before using explosive materials, projects, companies, departments [agencies] shall make a plan and [define] safety measures and shall inform people, the local authority 12 hours in advance.
  6. In the case of explosive materials being lost or of an unexpected event, projects, companies, departments [agencies] shall report to the responsible official urgently. Top

Article 5. Final Provision

  1. This Regulation replaces Notification N. 121, dated 29 June 2005, issued by the National Defense Industry Department.
  2. This Regulation shall be effective from the date of signature. Top

Director General of National Defense Industry Department,
Kilakone Bounnaphon

# Title Download
1 Provision on management and use of explosive substance in civil projects and other civil society use of the explosive substance. No. 042/NDID PDF
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