During the first 6 months of 2022, agricultural products are considered to be another important product that generates income from Lao PDR's exports, accounting for 20% of the total number of exported products. Also, this was on the top 5 export value compared to the value of export electricity and gold. There were 3 most exported agricultural products: cassava, bananas and rubber.

Casava is considered to be the most profitable product in the category of agricultural products, which worth USD 249 million and has a higher growth trend compared to the same period, the first 6 months, in 2021 was USD196 million and average increasing 27%. The countries that Lao PDR exported the most value were Thailand, Vietnam and China...

Bananas were the 2nd export value worth USD 141 and the countries that Lao PDR exported the most are: China, Thailand, and Vietnam...

Rubber is the 3rd exported value worth USD132 million and the countries that Lao PDR exported the most were China, Vietnam and Malaysia...


The above information can be seen that Lao PDR's major export partners are Thailand, Vietnam, and China, which are party countries of Lao PDR in Free Trade Agreements and Bilateral Trade Agreements. Therefore, these trades benefit from the special trade rights to reduce the import duty rate of the importing country.

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