At a ceremony held at the Lao Plaza Hotel and attended by foreign Ambassadors, representative from various international organizations, Lao Government officials from various departments and invited members of the trading community, the Minister of Industry and Commerce, Dr Nam Vinhaket officially launched the Lao PDR Trade Portal.

The Lao PDR Trade Portal was developed by the Department of Import and Export (DIMEX) of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce in order to fulfil Lao PDR’s commitment to WTO accession and to increase the transparency of regulatory trade related information.  The Lao PDR Trade Portal is a website that combines in a single environment all the information relating to trade from all the government agencies involved. The Lao Trade Portal also fulfils the obligation by WTO members to publish the contact details for the SPS and TBT Enquiry points which have recently been established in Laos. 

In his opening remarks, Mr Khoun Southammakot, Director General of DIMEX, said that the Lao Trade Portal would not only make it easier for both local and foreign firms to operate in Laos but would also help them to save costs.  The Lao PDR Trade Portal will significantly increase the transparency of doing business in Laos which, in turn, should encourage greater quality foreign investment.

We invite the trading community to make as much as use as possible of this website and to let us have comments and suggestions about ways in which we can continuously enhance it and make it more useful for traders.

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