Section 1 - General Provisions

Article 1. Purpose
Article 2. Definition of Terms

Section 2 - Importation of Chainsaw [wood-cutting machines]

Article 3. Rights and Requirements for importation of chainsaw [wood-cutting machines]
Article 4. Application for import license of Chainsaw [wood-cutting machines]
Article 5. The Issuance of Import license
Article 6. Fee and Charges
Article 7. Provision of Documents upon Actual Importation

Section 3 - Management and Utilization of Chainsaw [wood-cutting machines]

Article 8. Registration of Chainsaw
Article 9. Management and Utilization of Chainsaw [wood-cutting machines]

Section 4 - Final Provisions

Article 11. Implementation
Article 12. Effectiveness


Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry   No. 0080/MAF
Vientiane Capital, dated 19 June 2012

on Procedures for Importation, Management and Utlization of Chainsaw [Wood-cutting machine]

The Minister of Agriculture and Forestry hereby issues the following Decision:

Section 1

Article 1. Purpose

This Decision sets out principles, procedures and measures for importation, management and utilization of chainsaw [wood-cutting machines] in compliance with laws and regulations of Lao PDR. Top

Article 2. Definition of Terms

 “Chainsaw [wood-cutting machine] ” means any kinds of machines used to cut down, fell and notch [chop down] trees. This includes hand-chainsaw, chainsaws operated by fuel (gasoline/diesel) and electrical means, including its parts and equipments as defined in the Lao PDR’s Customs Nomenclature as follows: 8467.81.00, 8467.89.00 and 8467.91.10. Top

Section 2
Importation of Chainsaw
[wood-cutting machines]

Article 3. Rights and Requirements for importation of chainsaw [wood-cutting machines]

Any individual, entity and organization located in or outside the Lao PDR has the rights to import chainsaw [wood-cutting machines] in accordance with relevant laws and regulations of Lao PDR. Top

Article 4. Application for import license of Chainsaw [wood-cutting machines]    

The importation of chainsaw [wood-cutting machines] shall obtain an import license from Department of Forestry, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. The required documents for a chainsaw import license are as follows:

  1. Application for import license;
  2. Valid Enterprise Registration Certificate or Concession Registration Certificate for enterprise located in Lao PDR and copy of Valid entreprise registration certificate issued by the competent authority of the relevant country for enterprise located outside of Lao PDR.

Any documents in foreign langauge shall be accompanied with its Lao translation as certified by the by Notary Office of Lao PDR. Top

Article 5. The Issuance of Import license

The issuance, modification and term of the import license of chainsaw [wood-cutting machines] shall follow the Goods Import Licensing Procedures No.180/PM dated 07 June 2009. Top

Article 6. Fee and Charges

Fee and Charge for issuance and modification of chainsaw import licenses shall follow the Presidential Edict on “Fees and Services Charges” as set out for each period. Top

Article 7. Provision of Documents upon Actual Importation

Upon actual importation of chainsaw [wood-cutting machines], importers shall provide the documents to customs officer and concerned authorities. Top

Section 3
Management and Utilization of Chainsaw
[wood-cutting machines]

Article 8. Registration of Chainsaw

  1. Imported chainsaws [wood-cutting machines] shall be registered with Department of Agriculture and Forestry at provincial level and Vientiane Capital.
  2. Each chainsaw [wood-cutting machines] shall have its own registration, which is valid for the period of one year and shall be renewed after expiration date. Top

Article 9. Management and Utilization of Chainsaw [wood-cutting machines]

  1. Each time before using the chainsaw [wood-cutting machines], users must notify the purpose of use to the Department of Agriculture and Forestry at provincial level and Vientiane Capital for monitoring and inspection. When utilization or movement of chainsaw each time, the registration certificate must be attached with such chainsaw to facilitate the inspection by the Forestry officers.
  2. The chainsaw [wood-cutting machines] including parts or components which are imported for projects authorized by the Government or there is a joint contract, the implementation shall comply with the mutual bilateral agreement on the basis of inspection by the Forestry officers.
  3. In case the chainsaw [wood-cutting machines] is damaged and irreparable, or chainsaw without import license or no registration license has been used prior to the approval from the relevant authorities, Department of Agriculture and Forestry at Provincial and Capital shall confiscate them and prohibit from using it. Top

Section 4
Final Provisions

Article 10. Implementation

Ministries, Local administration, businesses including individual, legal entity and organization shall acknowledge and cooperate in the implementation of this Decision. Top

Department of Forestry, Department of Forest Inspection, Department of Agriculture and Forestry at provincial, Capital shall actively disseminate, promote and monitor and inspect the effectiveness of the implementation of this Decision.

Article 11. Effectiveness

This Decision shall be effective from the date of signature and replace the Decision No. 0005/MAF, dated 09 January 2012. Top

 Minister of Agriculture and Forestry,

Vilayvanh PHOMKHE
[Signed and sealed]

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1 Decision on Procedures for Importation, Management and Utlization of Chainsaw [Wood-cutting machine] No. 0080/MAF PDF
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