Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Department of Agriculture     No.0140/DOA
Vientiane, dated 20 January 2012


To: The Agriculture section of Provinces and Vientiane Capital.

Subject: Emergency measures on the issuance of phytosanitary certificate for vegetables export to An European Union member state.

  • Pursuant to plant protection law No.6/NA, Dated 09/12/2008.
  • Pursuant to MAF, Ministerial Decree on the organization of focal point of SPS No.1502/MAF dated 23/03/2011.
  • Based on the report of focal point of NPPO, dated 09/01/2012.

            The Department of Agriculture has great honor to inform that on 01/12/2011 at Heathrow, London airport quarantine post (England) notified to National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO) of  LAO PDR (Department of Agriculture) on the destruction of contaminated plant commodity Sweet basil (Ocibium basilicum) that was imported from LAO PDR due to phytosanitary certificate was not compliance to  the regulations of council directive 2000/29/EC, dated 08/05/2000, Leaf miner (Liriomyza sp.) which  was categorized as regulated pest was intercepted in that imported vegetables. Therefore to avoid the undesirable impact on vegetables export market Ocibium basilicum in particular in future.

            The Department of Agriculture issues emergency measures as following:

  1. Temporary suspend the issuance of  phytosanitary certificate for export vegetable to an European Union member state  (Albania, Algeria, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guernsey, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jersey, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Uzbekistan) upon  caused problem is identified through investigation according to ISPM No.13  and issued corrective measure by Department of Agriculture (DOA) for issuing  phytosanitary certificate of said vegetable export to European Union member state  .
  2. If any entrepreneurs or organization intend to export vegetables to European Union member state must inform the DOA at least 2 weeks before export to search the phytosanitary import requirement for each type of plant commodity that will be imported into European Union member state and strictly conduct the inspection of production site where request for phytosanitary certificate.
  3. Agriculture section shall submit DOA the records of phytosanitary certificate issued for plant commodities exported to EU during 2010 - 2011 which are required for further search for phytosanitary import requirement and regulated pest of each plant commodity.
  4. Agriculture section shall disseminate the entrepreneurs and concerned sector the notification from England on the destruction of contaminated plant commodity to protect them from the affect caused by exporting the commodity in the same non-compliance manner.  
  5. All Plant protection border check points in particular the Wattay international airport shall temporary suspend the export of vegetables to EU countries as prescribed in paragraph 1 of this notification and introduce the export measures as prescribed in paragraph of this notification.
  6. Agriculture section and plant protection border check points should pay great attention of phytosanitary certification in compliance with the ordinance of MAF, No.2136/MAF, dated 26/10/2011 on enhancing the responsible in the control and inspection of plant health comply with the phytosanitary import requirement of the importing country.

Therefore, DOA notify to your sector in order to execute effectively.

Director General of DOA


# Title Download
1 Notification on the Emergency measures on the issuance of phytosanitary certificate for vegetables export to An European Union member state No. 0140/DOA PDF
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