Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity


Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Department of Agriculture     No.0467/DOA
Vientiane, dated 27 March 2012


On Enhancing the Attention On the Inspection of Import Plant in Particular Seed and Planting Material in Contradiction to Plant Quarantine Regulatory Law Of Lao PDR


To: All Plant Protection Border Check Points throughout the Country

  • Persuade to the Plant Protection Law No.06/NA, dated 09 December 2008.
  • Persuade to the notice of the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry on enhancing the responsibility on plant protection works, No.1429/MAF, dated 18/11/2009.
  • Based on the outbreak of pests in areas where introduced seeds were being used.

In the last 3 years, according to the monitoring and surveillance results, and a review of technical literature, it’s found that the pest outbreak is increased and especially more served in the planting area such as plantation of potato, cassava, sugarcane, agarwood, and eucalyptus.

Based on technical verification has proved that the claimed pest incidence is not indigenous in the Lao PDR. The cause of the pest outbreak is the introduction of seeds and planting materials that are infested with serious pests and low quality from foreign countries passing through various plant protection border checkpoints or using import permit that is not conformed to concerning legislation. In addition, some importation uses a fraudulent phytosanitary certificate that is not consistence with the model as prescribed by the National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO) of the export country. All these activities create negative effects on the commercial production of farmers and pa the high prison preoutbreak and invading cash crops throughout the country, besides they also create tremendous debt to farmers and producers.

In securing the interest and resources of the government, entity, and investor for planting, and to protect the plant genetic resources of economic crops of Lao PDR before damaging from the high potential pest outbreak. The Department of Agriculture notifies the measures as follows:

  1. Plant protection officers of all border checkpoints shall strictly inspect, according to the plant protection law, seeds and planting materials that are imported from abroad or suspected areas of infestation or present pest outbreak.
  2. Import permit or the permit for entry of plants, seeds, and planting materials shall be conformed to the notice of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry No.1429/MAF, dated 18/11/2009; of which the Department of Agriculture has the authorization to examine, conduct pest risk analysis and issue the import permit.
  3. Phytosanitary certificate of plants, seeds, and planting materials shall be issued only by the competent authority of the export country and conformed with the phytosanitary sanitary import requirement of importing country as officially prescribed. In case of doubt or a false Phytosanitary certificate is intercepted, the plant protection officer shall immediately inform or coordinate with the Plant Quarantine Officer, the Department of Agriculture.
  4. The task of the plant protection officer shall conform to article 39 articles of the Plant Protection Law of Lao PDR.
  5. Border plant quarantine posts should cooperate and inform the concerned authority on the process of inspection and the issuance of import permits. Besides that, he/her shall pose the Notification on the declaration of documentation required before the arrival of commodities.
  6. In case of violation, the plant protection offers should make the record to be used for investing and evident for punishment according to the relevant law, and timely reports to the Department of Agriculture.
  7. Following receives this notice; All Plant Protection Border Check Points throughout the Country collectively shall implement this measure with high responsibility. 


Director General of DOA



# Title Download
1 Notification On Enhancing the Attention On the Inspection of Import Plant in Particular Seed and Planting Material in Contradiction to Plant Quarantine Regulatory Law Of Lao PDR No. 0467/DOA PDF
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