Article 1. Purpose
Article 2. Term of interpretation
Article 3. Scope of Application
Article 4. Rights and Condition for importation of explosive substances
Article 5. Application for importation of explosive substances
Article 6. Document attach to apply for explosive substances’ import license
Article 7. Import license of explosive substances
Article 8. Fee and Charge
Article 9. Document needed to provide actual importation
Article 10. Implementation
Article 11. Effectiveness

Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity

Ministry of National Defense
General Logistic Department
Industrial Department No 109/ID    Vientiane Capital, date 29 May 2012

on procedure for importation of Explosive Substances

Director General of Industrial Department, General Logistic Department, Ministry of National Defense issues the following guideline:

Article 1. Purpose

This Guideline determines discipline for importation of explosive substances through the non-automatic import licensing procedure. The purpose of utilizing this licensing system is to ensure the safety of the citizen, national security and environmental protection. Top

Article 2. Term of interpretation

In this Guideline “Explosive substances” means the explosive substances that used for industrial purpose, which included: single or mixed chemical substances that were produced to give explosive reaction by physical impact, heat, chemical or electronic, detonating cap, percussion cap, fuse, booster; and other explosive substances that gives primary explosive effect which caused the explosion of others explosive substances, which defined under HS Code 36.01; 36.02; 36.03 and 36.04 in the Customs Harmonized Code of Lao PDR. Top

Article 3. Scope of Application

This guideline applies for the importation and distribution of explosive substances in Lao PDR. Top

Article 4. Rights and Condition for importation of explosive substances

Individual or entity that received the concession rights from the Government of Lao PDR in conformity with the law on investment promotion, have the right to request for importation of explosive substances, in case of necessity to utilize the explosive substances in such project and shall be implemented according to the regulation on management of explosive substances in Lao PDR. Top

Article 5. Application for importation of explosive substances

The importation of explosive substances shall grant the import license from Industrial Department, General Logistic Department, Ministry of National Defense. Top

Article 6. Document attach to apply for explosive substances’ import license

Documents required to attach with application for explosive substances importation are the following:

  1. Application for license;
  2. Copy of valid enterprise registration or investment license;
  3. Utilization plan for each specific project or Annual plan for utilization of explosive substancase;
  4. Invoice and Packing list; and
  5. Sale-Purchase Contract. Top

Article 7. Import license of explosive substances

Issuance, modification and validity of the explosive substances’ import license shall be implemented in accordance with the Decree no.180/PM dated 07 June 2009 on Import Licensing Procedure. The import license can not be transfer to other.

The consideration for issuance the explosive substances’ import license depends on the discretionary of Industrial Department, General Logistic Department, Ministry of National Defense. Top

Article 8. Fee and Charge

Fee and Charge for issuance and modification of import license is refer to the Presidential Edicton on “Fees and Services Charges” that will set out for each period. Top

Article 9. Document needed to provide actual importation

In actual importation, importer needed to provide the following documents to customs officer:

  1. Import license issued under this guideline; and
  2. Other documents related to customs requirement. Top

Article 10. Implementation

Industrial Department, General Logistic Department, Ministry of National Defense will coordinate with relevant authorities to implement this guideline accordingly and effectively. Top

Article 11. Effectiveness

This Guideline shall be effective 30 days after the date of signature. Top

Director General of Industrial Department,

Measures / Standards
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