The National Coordination Committee for Economic Integration “NSC” representing all government organizations gathered on 14th Monday 2013 at International Cooperation Training Center Km 5 in Vientiane, chaired by Dr. Thongloun Sisoulith, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs with more than 50 participants including member of The National Coordination Committee for Economic Integration from related sectors and also National Secretariats for WTO of Lao PDR. The meeting objectives are aimed to disseminate the achievement of the 9th Asia-Europe Meeting Submit (ASEM 9) which hosted by Lao PDR, and also to report on work after Lao PDR becomes a member of WTO and preparing for the ASEAN Economic Community integration.

Mr. Chair informed to the meeting that the 9th Asia-Europe Meeting Submit (ASEM 9) which organized on last 5-6 November 2012 was largely successful and significantly and Never before in  history for Lao PDR, especially a proudly attitude of all people over the nation,  international countries had gained a deeper understanding of the progress of Laos’ development and the aspiration of the Lao people to develop their nation and to step towards a developed country, Lao PDR was obtained from fully contributing of all sectors to this significant achievement.

Lao PDR also has another manifestly achievement as a successful negotiation for WTO membership, on the 3rd of this month the country informed the WTO secretariat that the National Assembly had ratified the membership, meaning that Lao PDR will become a full WTO member, its 158th, on the 2nd of February.

The country will experience changes after it becomes a member of WTO and the ASEAN Economic Community integration, which is accounted for in the government's international economic integration policy, comes into effect. This integration will help Laos to encourage investment from foreign countries and bring technology to local industry for domestic and export sales. In additional, to contribute targeting in Development of National Social-Economic and to graduate from least developed country status by 2020.

In the conclusion of the meeting, Mr, Chair also said “The most importance thing after Lao PDR become a member of WTO and also the ASEAN Economic Community integration, every sector should be involved in this collective responsibility to address the  outstanding and prepare implement the commitment with international in time, and also wish a successfully and effectively achievement to the meeting.


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