The Ministry of Industry of Commerce has issued the Regulation on the management of the implementation of the second ASEAN self-certification pilot project, No 0442/MOIC.DIMEX, Dated 6 March 2013. Its objective is to identify the principle and regulations on the implementation of the second ASEAN self-certification pilot project and is aimed at ensuring the correctness of regulations and procedures required to implement the second ASEAN self-certification pilot project.  The second ASEAN self-certification pilot project is intended to carry out self- certification of the origin of produce for export and it is an experiment between the countries that are members of ASEAN (There are 3 countries namely Lao PDR, Philippine and Indonesia joined the project currently). The project is based on regulations that will be in force during the lifetime of the project. Standard requirements for an exporter to be entitled to these rights are to be a company/factory registered as a business, produce an export certificate that is accurate according to the Law and regulations of Lao PDR, has a transparent background of running the business, complies with its duties to government completely an regularly and, in addition, has experience of implementing the ASEAN’s certificate of origin and of producing goods for export to the markets of the member countries that are part of the project. 

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