Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Department of Agriculture        No 0837 /DOA
Vientiane, date 01 April, 2013

Ordinance of the Minister on the Issuance of Phytosanitary certificate - PC

-    Head of the Provincial and Vientiane Capital Agriculture and Forestry Offices throughout the country
-    Head of International Plant Protection Border Check Point
-    Pursuant to the Plant Protection Law Not 06/NA Dated 9 December, 2008;
-    Pursuant to the Decree on Implementation of Plant Protection Law No 229/PO, Dated 31 May 2012
-    Pursuant to the proposal of the Department of Agriculture No 0528/DOA, dated 19 March 2013

The Phytosanitary Certificate (PC) is an important provision which is stipulated in the Decree on implementation of the Plant Protection Law.  The paper based PC has been issued electronically using the National Phytosanitary Certificate Database-NPD since 2004. This measure is considered to be an important tool which contributes to prevent the infestation of exotic harmful pest brought into Lao and indigenous pests exported to foreign countries. Currently, Lao PDR is a new member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) which requires that its related laws and regulations including procedures on issuance of Phytosanitary Certificate shall be improved in line with provisions of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC).

In order to harmonize the use of the new form of Phytosanitary certificate throughout the country to be consistent with the Law and International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC),

The Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Issues an Order as Follows:

1.    Provincial and Vientiane Capital Agriculture and Forestry Offices where there is an  International Plant Protection Border Check Point shall use the new form of phytosanitary certificate and the same stamps harmoniously throughout the country as stipulated in the Annex of this ordinance starting from 18 April 2013.

2.    The Provincial and Vientiane Capital Agriculture and Forestry Offices where there is a Plant Protection Border Check Point shall have the duty to establish a budget plan for maintenance, development and installation of a new program of NPD which replaces the old system.

3.    The Department of Agriculture shall notify the General Secretary of IPPC to forward this updated information on new changes to the PC from Lao PDR to all contracting member parties of IPPC for their acknowledgement.

4.    The Department of Agriculture shall develop a training program on inspection technique of plants, plant product and regulated articles, and  guidelines on the issuance of a PC based on  International Standard on Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) of IPPC and the Agreement on Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS Agreement) of the WTO with the aim to facilitate trade in line with the Law and regulation;

5.    International Plant Protection Border Check Points have the duty to inspect and sign the PC as defined in article 33, the rights and duties of plant protection officer of the Decree on implementation of plant protection law,  article V,  Phytosanitary Certificate of IPPC, and to strictly implement article 26 on inspection and export certification of the Decree on implementation of the plant protection law;

6.    Any staff who is in charge or plant protection officer who can sign the PC shall be authorized by the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry based on the proposal of the Provincial and Vientiane Capital Agriculture and Forestry Offices and certified by the relevant sector of provincial and Vientiane Capital Administrative offices, and under technical supervision and accreditation of the Department of Agriculture as stipulated in article 30 of the Decree on the implementation of plant protection law.

This Ordinance comes into force from the date of signature.

Minister of Agriculture and Forestry
(Signed and sealed)
Mr. Vilaivanh Phomkhe


  1. Central Party office
  2. Prime minister office
  3. Ministry of Industry and Commerce
  4. Ministry of health
  5. Vice Ministers of Agriculture and Forestry
  6. Permanent Secretary Office of MAF
  7. Department of Agriculture, MAF
  8. Department of Organization and Personal, MAF
  9. Department of Inspection, MAF
  10. Department of Planning and Cooperation
  11. Provincial Administrative Offices
  12. Copied
# Title Download
1 Ordinance of the Minister on the Issuance of Phytosanitary certificate - PC, No. 0837/DOA PDF
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