Article 1. Authorizing Vientiane Industry and Trade Area to be an issuing and controlling authority 
Article 2. Certificates of origin shall only be issued for products
Ariticle 3. The Vientiane Industry and Trade Area shall assign qualified staff to sign the certificates of origin
Article 4. The Vientiane Industry and Trade Area shall research and issue controlling regulations
Article 5. To ensure the implementation of the principles of government administration
Article 6. The Department of Import and Export shall closely provide guidance 
Article 7. All concerned persons shall accept and follow this Decision accordingly and effectively
Article 8. Effectiveness 



Ministry of Industry and Commerce              No. 0716/MOIC.DIMEX
Vientiane, Dated 22 April 2013

On the authorization to the Vientiane Industry and Trade Area to issue and control
preferential certificates of origin

-          Pursuant to decree No. 522/PM, Dated 23 December 2011 on the organization and activity of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce;
-          Pursuant to decree No. 228/PM, Dated 22 April 2010 on the origin of import and export goods;
-          Pursuant to the proposal letter of Department of Import and Export No. 2262/DIMEX, Dated 5 April 2013.

The Minister of Industry and Commerce hereby issues the following decision:

Article 1. Authorizing Vientiane Industry and Trade Area to be an issuing and controlling authority of preferential certificates of origin for the products which are produced in the factories belonging to the Vientiane Industry and Trade Area, to enhance, promote and facilitate investors investing in this area. Top

Article 2. Certificates of origin shall only be issued for products that a properly produced in compliance with the concerned rules of origin. The Vientiane Industry and Trade Area shall be responsible for the issuance of certificates of origin. Top

Ariticle 3. The Vientiane Industry and Trade Area shall assign qualified staff to sign the certificates of origin and notify the Department of Import and Export with specimen signatures to be submitted to concerned countries in compliance with regulations. Top

Article 4. The Vientiane Industry and Trade Area shall research and issue controlling regulations for this work by following and complying with the policies and regulations of Laos and concerned countries.Top

Article 5. To ensure the implementation of the principles of government administration, the Vientiane Industry and Trade Area shall follow the principles of equality, transparency and justice for all exporters in its area, collect fees and service charges in compliance with Presidential Edict No. 03/P, dated 19 November 2008, to be granted to the financial unit, and summarize and report to the Ministry periodically (monthly, quarterly, yearly).Top

Article 6. The Department of Import and Export shall closely provide guidance by issuing detailed guidelines on the issuing and control of the certificates of origin, in order to ensure correct implementation by the Vientiane Industry and Trade Area according with the relevant regulations.Top

Article 7. All concerned persons shall accept and follow this Decision accordingly and effectively.Top

Article 8. This Decision shall be effective from 1 July 2013. Top

Minister of Industry and Commerce

[Signed and Sealed]


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1 Decision on the authorization to the Vientiane Industry and Trade Area to issue and control preferential certificates of origin No. 0716/MoIC.DIMEX PDF
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