The meeting reviewed the progress made in the implementation of  transport and trade facilitation and promotion of logistics, investment and tourism along the EWEC, challenge, obstacle since the first vice foreign Ministers’s meeting  at Quang Tri Province, Vietnam on last May 2013 onward.  The meeting also exchanged views on the future direction of cooperation including infrastructure development, implementation of the Cross-Border transport Agreement (CBTA), customs transit system (CTS) and border procedures.

The meeting highly valued the important role the corridor is playing in the development of the provinces that lie along it, particularly in infrastructure improvements, facilities construction and the provision of services including the enhancement of investment from government and private sector into facilitating development. The meeting made possible thanks to the valuable assistance of development partners, particularly the government of Japan and the Asian Development Bank.

The meeting pointed the important on EWEC extension which including from Sabang port in Bangkok, Thailand, through Vientiane and on to Hanoi and Haiphong in Vietnam. The inclusion of Routes No. 8 and No.12 in principle in the EWEC; upgrading of Routes No. 9; Lao PDR and Thailand have agreed to launch a ‘one-stop’ inspection system at the border crossing in Savannakhet province with Thailand’s Mukdahan province by the end of the year, Lao PDR and Vietnam agreed to sign a memorandum of understanding on the final stage of implementation of the one stop service at the Savan-Laobao border crossing ,This would take place before the next annual meeting scheduled in Thailand next year, the importance of setting up the Transport Association of the Mekong Sub-region, whose main office will be in Vientiane.

Despite the achievement, the meeting has recognized that the EWEC countries still need to work together to address any difficulties and barriers including repairing damaged roads and improving and streamlining documents and procedures to facilitate goods inspection and increasing facilities construction also for  recognizing  the importance of encouraging countries in the Mekong Sub-region to quickly sign and ratify various documents

related to the agreement on cross-border transport within the sub-region. This was necessary to accelerate the process to achieve full and effective implementation.

The meeting adopted two documents: the Savannakhet Declaration on the Process of the East-West Economic Corridor Development and the meeting's joint Statement on the Eas-West Economic Corridor Development.


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