Section I - General Provisions

Article 1. Objectives
Article 2. Definition of Vehicle

Section II - Conditions and Technical Standards of Vehicle and Vehicle Accessories Authorized for Import and Use in Lao PDR

Article 3. Power and Size of Vehicle
Article 4. Gross Weight of Transport Vehicle
Article 5. Condition and Technical Requirement of Vehicle
Article 6. Conditions and Technical Requirement of Vehicle accessories to be imported for assembling and using in Lao PDR

Section III - Technical Inspection of Imported Vehicle and Accessories, Assembled and Rehabilitated Vehicle at the Factory within the Country

Article 7. Inspection of condition and Technical Standard of Vehicle and Imported Accessories
Article 8. Inspection of Vehicle Quality assembled in factories within the Country

Section IV - Prohibitions

Article 9. Prohibitions on Imported vehicle and accessories
Article 10. Prohibitions on the Registration for the use of vehicles

Section V - Awards and Sanctions

Article 11. Awards
Article 12. Sanctions
Article 13. Fines and Punishments
Article 14. Legal Penalties

Section VI  - Final Provisions

Article 15. Enforcement
Article 16. Validity

Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity

Ministry of Communication, Transport, Posts and Construction                                            
No. 4312/MCTPC, Date 11 /11/2002

On Technical Standards and accessories of vehicles that are authorized for import for registering and assembling for using in Lao PDR

  • Pursuant to the Law on Road Transport;
  • Pursuant to the Law on Road Traffic;
  • Pursuant to the Decree on Organisation and Activities of Ministry of Communication, Transport, Posts and Construction No. 66/PM, dated 20/05/1999.

Minister of Communication, Transport, Posts and Construction issued Regulation:

Section I
General Provisions

Article 1. Objectives

   This regulation is issued to define conditions and technical standards of vehicle that is authorised to be imported for registering and using in Lao PDR including the import of vehicle accessories for assembling in Lao PDR in compliance with the relevant Laws and Regulations of Lao PDR. This regulation shall be used as a reference for relevant authorities in administering the import of such items to ensure conformity throughout the country. Top

Article 2. Definition of Vehicle

   A vehicle specified in this Regulation means vehicle propelled by engine including transport vehicle and heavy motor vehicle of every size and type that have structural composition in conformity with manufacturing’s technical standards, and have conditions and technical standards as specified in this Regulation. Top

Section II
Conditions and Technical Standards of Vehicle and Vehicle Accessories Authorized for Import and Use in Lao PDR

Article 3. Power and Size of Vehicle

   Various types of transport vehicles being authorized for import and use in Lao PDR shall have the power and size as follows:

  1. Motor bicycle with two wheels having power not exceeding 250 cc.
  2. Motor tricycle, Jambo having power not exceeding 250 cc, Tuktuk having power not exceeding 650 cc.
  3. Car, Pick up, Jeep, Mini bus, Bus, Rigid truck having size not exceeding 12 wheels,  trailer:  dimension (length, height and width ) in accordance with the technical standards of manufactore that should not be modified;
  4. The width of various types of vehicle shall be allowed to exceed 2.50 m. Top

Article 4. Gross Weight of Transport Vehicle

   All types of transport vehicle that are authorized for import into Lao PDR shall be capable of accepting gross weight  (weight  of empty vehicle  + weight loaded) in compliance with Regulation on Permissible Gross Weight  No. 849/CTPC, dated 05/03/2002 issued by Ministry of Communication, Transport, Posts and Construction. Top

Article 5. Condition and Technical Requirement of Vehicle

   All types of transport vehicle that are authorized for import into Lao PDR to be used permanently shall have steering wheel on the left hand side.

   Used transport vehicles before being authorized for import shall have minimum conditions and  technical standards as follows: all-encompassing technique or no modification of its original structure from manufacture, normally workable, attached straight chassis, no damage on its body and exterior, having undistorted fuel tank, having safety equipments, enclosed brake, having rear and front lights, having all-encompassing signal lights, having rear mirror, being used not more than 4 years from the year of production, colour remain vibrant, and overall quality should not be less than 80% or as for the transport vehicle from the date of manufacturing it should not be used for less than 6 years.

  • For vehicles with more than four wheels they shall be equipped with seat belts.
  • For used heavy vehicles they shall be used not more than 8 years or its hours of use shall not exceed 20,000 hours. Top


  • A used transport vehicle that would be imported in 2002 should be produced in 1998.
  • A used heavy vehicle that would be imported in 2002 should be produced in 1994. Top

Article 6. Conditions and Technical Requirement of Vehicle accessories to be imported for assembling and using in Lao PDR

   The vehicle accessories that will be authorized to import for assembling in manufacturing and use in the country shall meet the conditions and technical standards as follows:

  1. The accessories of all types of vehicle used in assembling shall meet  manufacturing standards and be technically approved from Ministry of CTPCS
  2. For trailers and semi trailers their structure shall be compliant with the technical standards of the manufacture as a minimum they shall have leaf spring, brakes and signal lighting system;
  3. The import of engine accessories shall be authorized by Ministry of CTPC
  • companies importing for distribution shall report in details about these engines being put on registration number, engine number, and chassis number. Also a permit shall be requested from MCTPC before registering.
  • For individuals intending to import an engine for replacing their old one shall also report their registration number. Top

Section III
Technical Inspection of Imported Vehicle and Accessories, Assembled and Rehabilitated Vehicle at the Factory within the Country

Article 7. Inspection of condition and Technical Standard of Vehicle and Imported Accessories

   The inspection of condition and technical standard of imported vehicle and accessories shall be compliant with the provisions of this Regulation and shall proceed in accordance to the following procedures:

  1. During the import at the border check point they shall be physically inspected by technical officials from Department of CTPC who shall also verify a technical permit of the imported vehicle and a register in Lao PDR issued by Department of Transport, Ministry of CTPC.
  2. Before making a registration plate the vehicles shall be additionally inspected by the technical officials of Department of CTPC or Vehicle and Driving License administration office in provinces, Vientiane capital and special zone. Top

Article 8. Inspection of Vehicle Quality assembled in factories within the Country

   The quality of assembled or rehabilitated vehicles from local manufactory upon completion shall be certified by the factories and the Ministry of CTPC shall inspect and verify prior to make a registration.

   In case any vehicle has not passed the technical inspection for the first time, it will be allowed to make further repair and modification of its fault before bringing back for the second inspection as a final time. If this time they do not pass the inspection they shall not be allowed to repair or modify again and they shall not be allowed to be further used and shall be demolished as pieces of steel. Top

Section IV

Article 9. Prohibitions on Imported vehicle and accessories

   It is prohibited individuals or organizations to act as the followings:

  1. Import vehicles or vehicle accessories of all types without getting permission;
  2. Declare incorrect information of vehicles or vehicle accessories that are permitted to import and do not match with actuality in terms of both quantity or technical standards and do not conform with import rules as being specified in Article 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of this Regulation. Top

Article 10. Prohibitions on the Registration for the use of vehicles

   It is prohibited for government officials, civil servants or relevant organizations to register the use of vehicles that are illegally imported. Also it is prohibited to register the use of assembled vehicles or newly rehabilitated vehicles from local factories that have not passed the technical inspection in accordance with standards or quality certification as being specified in Article 9 of this Regulation or Regulations lay out by MCTPC. Top    

Section V
Awards and Sanctions

Article 11. Awards

   Individuals or organizations who import vehicles and vehicle accessories in conformity with the required conditions and technical standards including those who operate vehicles’ assembling or rehabilitating of various types of vehicles with effectiveness shall be awarded and granted incentives  as being specified by relevant laws and regulations. Top

Article 12. Sanctions

   Individuals or organizations who violate any provisions of this Regulation shall be fined or punished by law and might face additional punishments based on whether the case is severe or mild. Top

Article 13. Fines and Punishments

   Individuals or organizations that have violated any provision of this regulation shall incur the fines and punishments as follows:

  1. For those who declare vehicle information or vehicle accessories that are permitted to import into Lao PDR but not complied with the actual permitted quantities or conditions and technical standards shall incur the fine twice of the total tax value and shall fully comply with customs rules before importing but those vehicles and vehicle accessories shall not exceed the allocated quantities and do not contravene conditions and technical standards that are allowed to import. For those that exceed quantities and fail to comply with technical standards, they shall strictly not be allowed to be imported.
  2. For those who register the use of assembled vehicles or rehabilitated vehicles from local factories that do not pass the required technical inspection for second time or last time shall incur the fine of twice the vehicles’ value and shall strictly not be authorized for making registration.
  3. For those who import vehicles and vehicle accessories into the country without passing the border crossing points shall be confiscated for proceeding by Law. Top

Article 14. Legal Penalties

   Any individual shall be punished if she/he commits the following offences:

  • Illegally import vehicles and vehicle accessories;
  • Submit forgery, create misleading documents, and make use of such documents in the import of vehicles and vehicle accessories;
  • Register the use of assembled or rehabilitated vehicles from factories that could not pass the required technical inspection for the last time;
  • Any government officials or civil servants who receive bribes, abuse their power, create counterfeiting documents, exploit position to seek personal benefits to illegally import vehicles, vehicle accessories or vehicle registration shall be punished according to civil servants’ regulation and criminal law. Top

Section VI
Final Provisions

Article 15. Enforcement

  • Department of Transport has a duty to regularly and closely encourage, advise, monitor and inspect the implementation of this Regulation;
  • Department of CTPC of Provinces, Vientiane municipality and special zone has a duty to coordinate with relevant organizations to ensure that this regulation is strictly implemented. Top

Article 16. Validity

   This regulation is enforced with all vehicles and vehicle accessories that are authorized for import into Lao PDR from 01st December 2002 onward.  Regulations and rules contradicted with this Regulation are entirely annulled. Top


[ Signed and Sealed ]
Bouathong Vonglokham


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1 Provisions On Technical Standards and accessories of vehicles that are authorized for import for registering and assembling for using in Lao PDR No. 4312/MCTPC PDF
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