Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Department of Agriculture          No 0098 /DOA
Vientiane, dated 06 February, 2008

To:          Head of the Provincial and Vientiane Capital Agriculture Offices

Subject:  the Issuance of Phytosanitary Certificate

  • Pursuant to the Notification of Government Secretary, Prime Minister office No 1920/PO dated 9 November 2007
  • Pursuant to the notification of Government Secretary, Prime Minister office No 1993/PO dated 19 November 2007
  • Pursuant to the Agreement of Minister on the Organization  and Function of the Department of Agriculture No 1058/MAF, Dated 23 October 2007

In order to fulfill the provisions of the legislation above, the Department of Agriculture has actively improved and developed a national quarantine system to comply and become integrated within the principles of international trade in line with the direction of the party and government in the new decade. There is also, in particular, a need to adopt international sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) standards for its management system at border check points in order to control imports of plants and plant product into Lao PDR and exports to foreign country including products in transit to third countries in compliance with the regulations of Lao PDR and the International Plant Protection Convention. Therefore it is directed as follows:

1.    Any issuance of Phytosanitary Certificates is cancelled for any plant and plant product which is a product originating in a foreign country and is intended to be brought into Lao PDR to transit to a third country. However, in case of the plant being grown in Lao PDR and intended for export, it shall comply with the requirement of the importing country and international principles and standards on phytosanitary measures.

If a Provincial Agriculture office is not clear or lacks information on international requirements, it is required that it should closely consult with the Department of Agriculture on the rules and technical information prior to issuing any phytosanitary certificates for exports to third countries.

2.    It is forbidden to issue any phytosanitary certificate that is against the law and the International Plant Protection Convention particularly any certificate whose design is invented or is inconsistent with the authorized model.

Therefore, this notification has been distributed to the head of Agriculture Sector for acknowledgement and strictly implementation.

(Signed and sealed)
Viravanh Phannourath


-          Permanent Secretary Office
-          Department of Inspection
-          Department of Planning and Cooperation
-          Department of Organization and Personal
-          Provincial and Vientiane Capital Agriculture and Forestry Offices

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