Rice is a food product which is under the control of the related departments, namely the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MOIC) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MOAF).

Rice exporting in Lao PDR is under the control of the following regulations: Decree on Import and Export of Goods No. 114/GoL, Notification on goods subject to automatic and non-automatic import or export licensing No.0076/MOIC.DIMEX. Furthermore, there are also related regulations on quota issued centrally by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MOIC) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MOAF) and implemented at local level (Province) by the Provincial Departments of Industry and Commerce, the Provincial Departments of Agriculture and Forestry and the Provincial Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

In order to guarantee food consumption within the provinces, the Department of Agriculture and Forestry at the Provinces will carry out a balancing assessment in the provinces themselves.  Based on a baseline quota of 350 Kilograms per head per year, and after deduction of wet ratio and rice reserves, any remaining rice will be notified to the Department of Industry and Commerce at the Provinces to be considered for export. 

Below are details of  the procedure for rice exports:

  1. The exporter shall request the quota and Phytosanitary Certificate from the Department of Agriculture and Forestry at the province.  The Agriculture and Forestry Division will send a technical officer to do an inspection and collect a sample for processing of quota approval and issuance of the Phytosanitary Certificate.
  2. After obtaining approval from the Agriculture and Forestry Division, the exporter shall request an export permit from the Provincial Department of Industry and Commerce (Referring to Notification No.0076/MOIC.DIMEX). The import permit will be issued promptly if the exporter submits all documents correctly and in full. The Industry and Commerce Division will issue a Certificate of Origin immediately in the case of exports to countries using Form A, D, AI, APTA, DFTP and Form S.
  3. The Certificate of Origin for exports to those countries that use Form E, SPT, AK, CO KOREA, AANZ and Form AJ will be issued by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry at Province/Capital.

Below are details of the Fees collected for rice exports

Fees related to rice exports are implemented following the President’s Edict on Collection of Fees No. 03/President, which states as below:

Fees for issuing Phytosanitary Certificate by Agriculture and Forestry Department at Provinces:

  • Phytosanitary Certificate= 15.000 LAK
  • Product Weight 5-10 Tones, fee collected 40,000 LAK
  • Product Weight 11-100 Tones, fee collected 65,000 LAK
  • Product Weight 101 Tones and over, fee collected 90,000 LAK

Fees for issuing Export Permit by Industry and Commerce Department at Provinces:

  • Issue of export permit 10.000 LAK/Time.

Fees for issuing Certificate of Origin by Chamber of Industry and Commerce at Provinces:

  • Certificate of Origin Form (CO)= 10,000 LAK/Set
  • Export Value less than 10,000 $, fee collected 40,000 LAK
  • Export Value 10,001 $-30.000 $, fee collected 60,000 LAK
  • Export Value 30.001 $-60.000 $, fee collected 80,000 LAK
  • Export Value 60.001 $ and over, fee collected 100,000 LAK



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