The Department of Plantations, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, on behalf of the departments that are responsible for Sanitary and Phytosanitary tasks, has notified letter No. 0098.DOP.08 to all Departments of Agriculture and Forestry at the Provinces of the termination of issuance of a correct Phytosanitary Certificate which is as expected to reduce the paperwork, and improve facilitation of import, export and transit in Lao PDR in accordance with international regulations and measures as detailed below:

  1. The issuance of a Phytosanitary Certificate for Plants and Plant Products that originating from abroad, for the purpose of transit through Lao PDR to a third country should be terminated;
  2. Plants and Plant Products produced in country for the purpose of export need to follow the requirements of the import country and international Sanitary and Phytosanitary Sanitary regulations. If any plantation division is not yet aware of the international regulations, it is requested that it should coordinate and communicate on the principles and technical terms with the Plantation Department first before issuing a Phytosanitary Certificate for a third country;
  3. A Phytosanitary Certificate that does not conform to international regulations on plant protection, especially in the format of the form, is illegal and should not be issued.
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