The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has issued Instruction No. 1503/CO, dated 16 July, 2013 regarding the origin on the import and export of vegetables, vegetable products and food products to EU countries. This instruction urges the Department of Agriculture and Forestry in the provinces, capital and all business sectors involved in the import and export of vegetable products to implement the determinations under the regulation on the strict control of vegetables in order to prevent and eliminate the import of vegetable products from abroad and claiming origin from Lao PDR to re-export to a third country. Currently, vegetable products from Lao PDR are highly appreciated by consumers both domestically and internationally and their wellbeing is of high concern.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Lao PDR has been notified by EU countries of infectious  diseases and contamination by pesticide found in vegetables exported from Lao PDR, which severely affects the image of vegetable products from Lao PDR.    

Every species of vegetable and vegetable products, both fresh and dry such as core, seeds, branch, leaves, etc. when exported or imported is at high risk of contamination from pesticide, insects and fertilizer especially basil, banana, yard long bean, etc.

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1 The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has issued an instruction regarding the origin on the import and export of vegetables, vegetal product and food products to EU countries PDF
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