This workshop was held in order to create a rich exchange of ideas on coordination, strengthening the development of an effective support mechanism for trade information, discussion, exchange of ideas and identification of a supporting mechanism for supplying trade information to the permanent office of the Trade Facilitation Secretariat (TFS), which is where the LTP is located by the main focal points from 18 concerned sectors, i.e. the Department of Livestock and Fisheries, the Department of Plantation, the Department of Planning and Cooperation, the SPS- Enquiry Point of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the Department of Customs, the Department of Taxation of the Ministry of Finance, the Department of Food and Drug of the Ministry of Health, the Department of Pollution of the Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment, the Department of Printing of the Ministry of Information Culture and Tourism, the Department of Telecommunication of the Ministry of Post and Telecommunication, the Department of Treaties and Law of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Department of Mining of the Ministry of Energy, the Department of Metrology, the TBT-Enquiry Point of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Department of Transportation of the Ministry of Public Work and Transportation, the Department of Planning and Cooperation, the Department of Foreign Trade Policy, the Department of Enterprise Registration and Management, the Department of Import and Export of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce. These government departments deal with the trade in terms of providing trade information and should ensure its correctness, ease of access, speediness, regularity and sustainability so as to publish it in a timely manner.

This workshop was the first meeting to exchange ideas between the LTP focal points. The workshop emphasized the important role of the LTP and also the responsibility of the LTP focal points in order to ensure  the correctness of the information, ease of access, speediness, regularity and sustainability so as to be published in a timely manner. The most importance thing is to create transparency of the trade environment and enable the Business-Trade sector in Lao PDR to be ready, after officially becoming a WTO member, against competition which is expected to increase when Laos integrates into the AEC in 2015. At the workshop important content was presented on the background of the Lao PDR Trade Portal, functions and responsibilities of the TFS and TFS members, their presence on the LTP website, the previous situation on coordinating mechanisms for supplying trade information to the LTP, and, additionally, information exchange methods and information supply mechanisms and coordination using electronic systems for exchanging information on trade  in the future were also presented. 

In the future, the committee responsible for the LTP will continue to coordinate with related sectors regularly and systematically, to ensure the correctness of the information, ease of access, speediness, regularity and sustainability and, furthermore, promote cooperation with the concerned sectors on improving coordination of important updates to ensure the correctness of the information, ease of access, speediness, regularity so as to publish it in a timely manner.






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