Member countries that joined the second ASEAN self-certification pilot project will implement self-certification within the ASEAN Free Trade Area, in order to ensure the effectiveness of implementation and the accuracy of compliance with procedures and regulations domestically and internationally. The Ministry of Finance has issued an instruction on the implementation of the second ASEAN self-certificate No 2962/MoF, dated 9 October 2013 in order to manage the import of goods that originate from member countries registered with the project. Therefore, Customs officers should provide facilitation for goods that are imported under the Second ASEAN pilot project on self-certification in equal measure to the import of goods under the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement. The key principles of this self-certification are: (1) complete identification of the details of the goods in order to certify the origin; (2) signature together with identification of the name of the exporter who received the authorization for self-certification; (3) Date, Month and Year of self-certification will determine the self-certification’s date of issuing; (4) Name list, sample of signature and stamp of exporter who received authorization is to be supplied to member countries who entered into the project through the ASEAN Secretariat; and (5) harmonized content identified at the bottom of each invoice covered by the Certificate of Origin. 

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