The President of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic has issued Decree No. 081/PO, dated 3 February, 2014 on the promulgation of Article 19 (amended) to replace Article 19 (old) of the Law on Value Added Tax No. 04/NA, dated 26 December, 2006. The amended Article 19 defines the rates of Value-Added Tax as a 10% rate applying to imported [goods and services] and domestically produced and consumed goods and services liable to value-added tax and exemption for goods and services for export abroad. In addition, there is an exemption for imported goods, machines and production machinery from abroad to enable domestic production for which there is insufficient supply for use in production and investment. 

The promulgation is  Pursuant to Chapter 6, Article 67, point 1 of the Constitution of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Pursuant to Resolution No. 013/NA, dated 13 December 2013 and pursuant to Proposal No. 02/NASC, dated 20 January 2014, of the National Assembly Standing Committee.

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