Construction of the two facilities, worth more than US$1.5 million, is expected to be complete next year.

The Merieux Foundation has been working with the health sector in Laos since 2006. Previous assistance includes construction of the Christophe Merieux Infectious Disease Centre.

The foundation has also supported various activities towards improving the health of mothers and children, and scientific studies for basic infrastructure development.

“The foundation's assistance makes a direct contribution to the improvement of health standards in Laos,” Prof. Dr Eksavang said.

Director General of the Food and Drug Department, Dr Somthavy Changvisommid, said the proposed food quality control laboratory would be the first such facility for the Ministry of Health.

“The new laboratory will be in line with European Union standards and will help medical staff to properly check the quality of food on sale in Laos. This includes checking the quality of food for export,” he added.

Information Source: Vientiane Times Newspaper issued on 18 March 2014




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