The truck exporting watermelon this time was an importance historical event for Luangnumtha province aimed at the development and promotion of agricultural growth and the integration of its economy regionally and internationally.

Mr Dr. Phoaungparisack Pavongviengkham, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry said that the transportation of goods from Lao PDR to China is an objective for our country and, therefore, he urged farmers who plant goods, businessman, related sectors to jointly promote and strengthen the production of goods to ensure that both quantity and quality of goods complies with WTO standards.

Ms. Chanthone Doypaseuth, Deputy Head of Plantation Division, said that export this time there were 360 Tons of watermelons, at the cost pf 375 USD per Tons, for a total value 135,000 USD or about 1.08 billion LAK.  The plantation area is a total 1.192 Hectare, with an expected outturn of 23.175 Tons, of which the current harvest is 1%, sugarcane 3.317 Hectare, completed harvest 79,62%, cassava 1.322 Hectare, completed harvest 70%, banana 1.737 Hectare, completed harvest 25%, pumpkin 259 Hectare, completed harvest 3%, maize 1.435 Hectare, chili  and other vegetables.

Furthermore, from some time, Luangnumtha Province has paid attention to the export and import of goods. In fiscal year 2012-2013 the total of imports was valued at 410 million USD which included food valued at 2.88 million USD, office stationery valued at 4 million USD, construction equipment at 270 million USD, electrical equipment at 76 million USD, garment and daily consumption stuff at 12.8 million USD, goods for use in agriculture production at 7.79 million USD, spare parts at 5.3 million USD, vehicle and spare parts at 11.6 million USD, fuel and gas 1.4 million USD. When compared to the previous year, the value of imports has increased 731.01% and, compared to the fiscal plan, 960.93%. The reason is the increase in goods imported for use in investment project.

Exports in the same fiscal year included 38.49 million USD which included wood product valued at 4 million USD, husbandry 20.77 million USD, non-timber products at 300,000 USD and another 17.33 million USD in minerals exported to China, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.

Information Source: Economy Commerce Newspaper


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