Lao People’s Democratic Republic

Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity


Ministry of Finance

Customs Department                                                                          No. 2225/CD

                                                                        Vientiane Capital, date 25 July 2011


To:             Directors of all Regional Customs Offices and Directors of all International Customs Checkpoints, International Organizations, Individuals, Legal Entities and any Persons Involve with the Exportation, Importation and Transit nation-wide.


Subject:     The Implementation of the ASYCUDA Customs Declaration Form.


-        Pursuant to Customs Law No. 05/NA, May 20, 2005.

-        Pursuant to the Ministerial Notification No. 1408/MoF,  June 13, 2011 on the Pilot

-        Implementation of ASYCUDA Customs Declaration Form at the Lao-Thai Friendship Bridge 1, Regional Customs Office V.

-        Pursuant to the Customs Agreement No. 2025/CD, June 30, 2011 on the Adoption and Permission to Implement ASYCUDA Customs Declaration Form.


In order to ensure correctness and  uniform use of the Customs Declaration Form nation-wide and consistent implementation of the electronic customs declaration form (automation) with a regulation  on the use of ASEAN Customs Declaration Document (ACDD),  


The Customs Department issues this guidance:

1.            The Electronic Customs Declaration Form for the ASYCUDA system is of a paper size of 21.4 x 30.3 cm, width 70 grams with light blue background printed with Customs Logo and with the written English word “Customs” placed in the center of the form.

2.            Input of all information into ASYCUDA Customs Declaration Form and ASEAN Customs Declaration Document (ACDD) shall follow the stipulations in the Customs Department Guidance No. 1696/LCD, dated June 17, 2010 on the implementation of the ASEAN Customs Declaration Document.

3.            A Customs Declarant or authorized person shall submit the Customs Declaration Form and other supporting documents manually or electronically as defined by the Customs Law and regulations. The Customs Declaration Forms in both formats have equal value in law.

4.            A Customs declarant or authorized person shall be responsible for all information declared in the Customs declaration form for all formats including the electronic customs declaration.

5.            A Customs declarant and authorized person shall declare his/her authenticity in both electronic and manual Customs declaration forms by signing, [affixing a] stamp and digital signature in any form such as the specific code that are approved by concerned government authorities and accepted by Customs authorities .

6.            The digital signature of a Customs declarant or authorized person applied to an electronic Customs declaration form has equal value as the signature on a manual Customs declaration form.


Therefore, this notification is issued for all related parties to implement effectively until this notification is amended or changed periodically.



                                                                   Director-General of Customs

                                                            (Signature and Stamp)



                                                                          Santiphab PHOMVIHANE



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