In order to facilitate business entrepreneurs by reducing unnecessary procedures for exporting planted timber and to comply with the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 41/PM, dated 26 March 2014 on the authorization provinces and the capital on making decisions on the licensing for exportation of plantation timber for round wood (logs) and sawed wood (processed). The Ministry of Industry and Commerce has issued a further Notification No. 1135/MOIC.DIMEX, dated 06 May 2014 on authorization to province and the capital for making decisions on the licensing of exportation of plantation timber with adding the additional list of plantation timber as Teak wood, Rubber, Agarwood into Item 1.2 of the Notification No. 1791/MOIC. DIMEX, dated 15 September 2011. For most types of wood in addition to those mentioned in this notice, the export licensing is still administered by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (Department of Import and Export).  


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