Lao People’s Democratic Republic

Peace Independence Democracy Unity Prosperity



                                                                         Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry                                                                             


Vientiane, Date: 23 August 2012

Decision on
Registration and Identity Card of Domestic Animals


  • Pursuant to Law on Livestock and Veterinaries No. 03/NA, dated 25 July 2008;

  • Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decree No. 262/PM, dated 28 June 2012 regarding the organization and operations of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry;

  • Pursuant to the letter No. 0045/DLF, dated 11 April 2012 by the Department of Livestock and Fisheries.


The Minister of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Issues the Decision:

Part 1
General Provision


Article 1. Objective

The agreement defines principles, regulations and measures for implementation of animal registration and identity card in Lao PDR in order to support statistical documentation of domestic animals, management of domestic animals, and balance of quantity of domestic animals, monitoring, transferring of rights, trade and exchange of domestic animals, including transport of animals within the country and export in compliance with relevant regulations and laws. 


Article 2. Registration and identity card of domestic animals

Registration and identification card of domestic animals as stated in Section 2 by Article 4 of the Law on Livestock and Veterinary means documentation of historical information of domestic animals such as type, name, age, sex, color, coding, species, characteristics, mark, and certification of rights to domestic animals.


Article 3. Definitions and descriptions of terms

            The definitions and descriptions of terms are stipulated as following:

  1. Certificate of animal registration and identification means an official document that certifies the owner’s right to domestic animals and benefits that result from the animal in Lao PDR issued by District Agriculture and Forestry Office;

  2. Animal species means animals which are selected for breeding, husbandry which are managed by a central organization responsible for registration and identification of domestic animals.

  3. Animal identity card means a card or stamp specified by the Department of Livestock and Fisheries. The identity card includes a card that seals at an animal’s ear, colored paints on an animal’s body or a touch on an animal’s body by burnt screw or any method.

  4. Law on Livestock and Veterinary means Law on Livestock and Veterinary No. 03/NA, dated 25 July 2008.


Part 2
Principles for Registration and Identification of Domestic Animals


Article 4. Principles for Registration and Identification of Domestic Animals

Animal registration and identification needs to ensure basic principles as follows:

  1. Each domestic animal as stated in Article 5 of this agreement needs to be registered and identified by a central organization responsible for animal registration and identification in order that information for the domestic animals is recorded in a systematic manner;

  2. Each domestic animal which is registered needs to have certificate of origin issued by village authorities or village veterinaries declared to technical staff responsible for animal registration and identification and recorded at District Agriculture and Forestry Office and Provincial Livestock and Fisheries Office where the animals are domesticated;

  3. Animal registration and identification needs to record information in detail such as time, place, responsible staff and other necessary information as stated in Article 2 of this agreement.


Article 5. Registration of Domestic Animals

Domestic animals need to be registered as follows:

  1. Cattle, water buffalos, horses, donkey which are 1 year of age up;

  2. Pigs, sheep, gooses which are 6 months of age up;

  3. Dogs, cats and poultry for breeding which are 3 months of age up;

  4. Domestic elephants and wild elephants which are domesticated for 3 years of age up.

Animals which are registered need to have clear information for their specific characteristics and relevant information such as species, type, family, age, color and special mark the animals have.


Part 3
Coding and Numbering of Domestic Animals


Article 6. Coding of Registration and Identification of Domestic Animals

Coding of registration and identification of domestic animals needs to be defined for each level and local areas as follows:

  1. Coding of registration and identification of domestic animals for Vientiane Capital and provinces comprises 2 numbers such as 01 Vientiane Capital, 02 Phongsaly, 03 Luang Numtha, 04 Oudomxay, 05 Bokeo, 06 Luang Prabang, 07 Hauphanh, 08 Xayabouly, 09 Xiengkhouang, 10 Vientiane, 11 Bolikhamxay, 12 Khammouane, 13 Savannakhet, 14 Saravan, 15 Sekong, 16 Champassak and 17 Attapeu;

  2. Coding of registration and identification of domestic animals at a district level comprises 2 numbers by coding of identification of domestic animals for Vientiane Capital and provinces as follows:

  1. Vientiane Capital: 0101 Chanthabouly, 0102 Sikhottabong, 0103 Xaysettha, 0104 Sisattanak, 0105 Naxaythong, 0106 Xaythany, 0107 Hadsayfong, 0108 Sangthong and 0109 Park Ngeum;

  2. Phongsaly Province: 0201 Phongsaly, 0202 Mai, 0203 Khua, 0204 Samphanh, 0205 Bounneu, 0206 Yoth Ou and 0207 Bountai

  3. Laung Numtha Provinnce: 0301 Numtha, 0302 Sing, 0303 Long, 0304 Viengphoukha and 0305 Nalae

  4. Oudomxay Province: 0401 Xay, 0402 La, 0403 Namoh, 0404 Nga, 0405 Baeng, 0406 Houn and 0407 Pakbeng;

  5. Bokeo Province: 0501 Houysay, 0502 Tonpheung, 0503 Meung, 0504 Pha Oudom, 0505 Paktha and 0506 Special Zone;

  6. Luang Prabang Province: 0601 Luang Prabang, 0602 Xieng Ngeun, 0603 Nan, 0604 Pak Ou, 0605 Numbak, 0606 Ngoy, 0607 Pakseng, 0608 Phonxay, 0609 Chompheth, 0610 Viengkham, 0611 Phoukhoun and 0612 Phonthong;

  7. Huaphanh Province: 0701 Xumneu, 0702 Xiengkhoh, 0603 Viengthong, 0704 Viengxay, 0705 Huameung, 0706 Xumteu, 0707 Sobbao and 0708 At;

  8. Xayabouly Province: 0801 Xayabouly, 0802 Khob, 0803 Hongsa, 0804 Ngeun, 0805 Xienghone, 0806 Phieng, 0807 Paklay, 0808 Kaenthao, 0809 Boken, 0810 Thongmixay and 0811 Xaysathan;

  9. Xiengkhoaung Province: 0901 Paek, 0902 Kham, 0903 Nonghat, 0904 Phoukhoun, 0905 Mok, 0906 Phoukout, 0907 Phaxay and 0908 Thanthorm;

  10. Vientiane Province: 1001 Phonhong, 1002 Thoulakhom, 1003 Keo Oudom, 1004 Kasi, 1005 Vangvieng, 1006 Fouang, 1007 Sanakham, 1008 Maet, 1009 Viengkham, 1010 Hinheub, 1011 Hom, 1012 Xaysomboun and 1013 Meun;

  11. Bolikhamxay Province: 1101 Paksonh, 1102 Thaphabath, 1103 Pakkading, 1104 Bolikhan, 1105 Khamkeuth, 1106 Viengthong and 1107 Xaychamphone;

  12. Khammouane Province: 1201 Thankhae, 1202 Mahaxay, 1203 Nongbok, 1204 Hinboun, 1205 Yommalath, 1206 Bualapha, 1207 Nakay, 1208 Sebangfai and 1209 Xaybuathong;

  13. Savannakhet Province: 1301 Kaysonephomvihane, 1302 Outhoumphone, 1303 Atsaphangthong, 1304 Phin, 1305 Sepon, 1306 Nong, 1307 Thapangthong, 1308 Songkhone, 1309 Champhone, 1310 Xonbouly, 1311 Xaybouly, 1312 Vilabouly, 1313 Atsaphone, 1314 Xayphouthong and ແລະ Thaphalanxay;

  14. Saravan Province: 1401 Saravan, 1402 Ta Ouy, 1403 Toumlan, 1404 Lakhonpheng, 1405 Vapi, 1406 Khongsedon, 1407 Lao Ngam and 1408 Samouy;

  15. Sekong Province: 1501 Lamam, 1502 Kaleum, 1503 Dakcheung and 1504 Thateng;

  16. Champasak Province: 1601 Pakse, 1602 Sanasomboun, 1603 Bachiengchaleunsouk, 1604 Paksong, 1605 Pathoumphone, 1606 Phonthong, 1607 Champasak, 1608 Soukhoumma, 1609 Mounlapamok and 1610 Khong

  17. Attapeu Province: 1701 Xaysathan, 1702 Samakhixay, 1703 Sanamxay, 1704 Xanxay and 1705 Phouvong.

  1. Coding of registration and identification of domestic animals at a village level comprises 2 numbers by district coding of registration of marking animals in which District Agriculture and Forestry Office is responsible for coding at a village level.

A change in code of registration and identification of domestic animals in any cases needs to be proposed to the Department of Livestock and Fisheries responsible for all information of livestock across the country.


Article 7. Coding of Registration and Identification of Domestic Animals

Coding domestic animals will be based on special characteristics of each animal type and local conditions by following technical requirements as follows:

  1. Code that shows origination of domestic animal by following provincial or capital or district coding including number of domestic animals which officially coded by authorities;

  2. Livestock centers or stations or enterprises, private companies and individuals which farm livestock are able to code their animals by their own code agreed by the Department of Livestock and Fisheries or Provincial or Capital Livestock Office where the animals originate. The code shall not be in contrast with the code made by normal people.


Article 8. Procedure for Registration and Identification of Domestic Animals

The Department of Livestock and Fisheries shall provide technical guidelines on procedures for registration and identification of domestic animals for each type including materials, tools and record in detail which is centrally used across the country.


Part 4
Organizations for Registration and Identification of Domestic Animals


Article 9. Organizations for Registration and Identification of Domestic Animals

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry is centrally responsible for management of all registration and identification of domestic animals across the country through the Department of Livestock and Fisheries in collaboration with relevant authorities at central and local levels.

Organization for registration and identification of domestic animals comprises:

  1. The Department of Livestock and Fisheries;

  2. Provincial and Vientiane Capital Livestock and Fisheries Office;

  3. District Agriculture and Forestry Office;

  4. Technical team assigned for registration and identification of domestic animals


Article 10. The Rights and Tasks of the Department of Livestock and Fisheries

To manage registration and identification of domestic animals, the Department of Livestock and Fisheries has primary rights and tasks as follows:

  1. Directorate to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry for registration and identification of domestic animals as stated in the Law on Livestock and Veterinary;

  2. Formulate technical guidelines and notification for registration and identification of domestic animals;

  3. Coordinate and provide equipment and tools necessary for registration and identification of domestic animals to Vientiane Capital and provinces by taking into account local conditions of those provinces and availability of budget;

  4. Develop mechanism for registration and identification of domestic animals in order to ensure that information and data of domestic animals are available at a central level;

  5. Regularly provide national report on management of registration and identification of domestic animals to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry;

  6. Follow other tasks assigned the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.


Article 11. The Rights and Tasks of Vientiane Capital and Provincial Livestock and Fisheries Office

To manage registration and identification of domestic animals, Vientiane Capital and Provincial Livestock and Fisheries Office has the rights and tasks as follows:

  1. Directorate to Vientiane Capital and Provincial Livestock and Fisheries Office for management of registration and identification of domestic animals under its stated responsibility especially by conducting regular data collection and report;

  2. Work with District Livestock and Fisheries Unit to establish committee responsible for and technical team for registration and identification of domestic animals at a district level;

  3. Make an annual budget plan for registration and identification of domestic animals and submit it to relevant provincial authorities for consideration of approval. It is possible to establish a district fund for registration and identification of domestic animals under the supervision of Vientiane Capital and Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Office, and Livestock and Fisheries Office;

  4. Develop mechanism for registration and identification of domestic animals and submit it to the Department of Livestock and Fisheries, Vientiane Capital and Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Office for consideration of approval, and establish livestock database;

  5. Follow other tasks as stated in the Law on Livestock and Veterinary.

Article 12. The Rights and Tasks of District Livestock and Fisheries Unit

To manage registration and identification of domestic animals, District Livestock and Fisheries Unit has the rights and tasks as follows:

  1. Directorate to Vientiane Capital and provincial Livestock and Fisheries Office and District Agriculture and Forestry Office for management of registration and identification of domestic animals in its local area especially by conducting regular data collection and report;

  2. Work with village veterinaries to establish technical team for registration and identification of domestic animals;

  3. Make an annual budget plan for registration and identification of domestic animals and submit it to District Agriculture and Forestry Office. It is possible to establish a fund for registration and identification of domestic animals under the supervision of Vientiane Capital and Provincial Livestock and Fisheries Office, and Agriculture and Forestry Office;

  4. Develop mechanism for registration and identification of domestic animals and establish livestock database at a district level;

  5. Follow other rights and tasks as stated in the Law on Livestock and Veterinary and this agreement.

Article 13. The Rights and Tasks of Technical Team for Registration and Identification of Domestic Animals

Technical team for registration and identification of domestic animal has the rights and tasks as follows:

  1. Work with village authorities to collect data on domestic animals, disseminate relevant information and regulations on registration and identification of domestic animals to local people and provide cooperation;

  2. Focus on registration and identification of domestic animals for farm- and group-based livestock and in any area where it is possible;

  3. Follow other rights and tasks assigned by authority for livestock registration.

Article 14. Obligations of Animal Owner 

For registration and identification of domestic animals, animal owners have obligations as follows:

  1. Facilitate technical team for registration and identification of domestic animals;

  2. After completing registration and identification of domestic animals, animal owner needs to keep certificate of the registration and identification without any ruin or loss. In case of the certificate lost, animal owner needs to report to and request the village authorities and Village Livestock and Veterinary Unit to further request the relevant district authorities or Livestock and Fisheries Office to reissue the certificate;

  3. Pay taxes and fees for registration and identification of domestic animals as stated in the Presidential Decree on Fees as promulgated in each period.

Part 5
Incentive Policy for Good Performance and Measures for Violators

Article 15 Incentive policy for good performance

Any animal owners, farms, groups as well as staffs and organizations who best follow the agreement, especially who most contribute to support and develop registration and identification of domestic animals will be awarded with certificate of appreciation and other types of appropriation.

Article 16 Measures for violators

Any animal owners, farms and groups who do not follow the agreement need to be notified and fined or taken for legal actions based on individual cases as stated in the Law on Livestock and Veterinary.

Any relevant staffs who do not follow the agreement need to follow actions as the same of the paragraph No. 1 of the article and relevant personnel regulations.

Part 6
Final Provision

Article 17. Implementation

The Department of Livestock and Fisheries collaborates with Vientiane Capital and provincial Agriculture and Forestry Office, local authorities and relevant organizations to materialize the agreement strictly.

Article 18. Entry into force

This Decision shall enter into force once signed on the official gazette. Any regulations which are in contrast with this decision shall be cancelled.


Minister of Agriculture and Forestry

(Signed and Sealed)

Vilayvanh PHOMKHE

# Title Download
1 Decision of Minister on Livestock Registration No. 1974/MAF PDF
2 ຂໍ້ຕົກລົງ ຂອງລັດຖະມົນຕີ ວ່າດ້ວຍ ການຂຶ້ນທະບຽນ ພິມສັດ ເລກທີ 1974/ກປ PDF
Measures / Standards
# Name Type Agency Description Law Valid To Apply To
1 Requirement to register - Exported Animal Registration Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Animals which defined in article 5 of this decision shall be registered with the livestock management to ensure that it is inclusively managed and support the development of systematic livestock database. Decision of Minister on Livestock Registration No. 1974/MAF 9999-12-31 ALL
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