The meeting started by a speech and opening remarks of the co-chairpersons from both sides. The meeting had divided into three main parts as: 1) The overview on trade and investment in Laos PDR; 2) Foreign Investment Promotion Policy and related regulations in Lao PDR; 3) Investment in Special Economic Zone and Specific Economic Zone in Lao PDR. After that the meeting was open for discussion to share ideas.

The meeting was carried out with concerns and supports of both sides which brought a successful result as expected. There were more numerous numbers of Chinese businessmen interested in and joined the meeting than expectation. It indicated that some Chinese businessmen had shown their interest in investing in natural resource (mining, electricity, agricultural). In addition, the investment on immoveable property is also one of their interests.

The meeting is one of the remarkable steps of the collaboration between Laos and China. Through such cooperation, Lao PDR has delivered information to China Overseas Investment Union who links with Chinese businessmen; in order to disseminate foreign policies regarding economics-social-investment and others to Chinese businessmen to know and understand more about the economics-socials development; encouraging to organize businessmen group on field study in Lao PDR, which is one of the work that both countries will implement together in the future.

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