The meeting was organized according to the agenda, after the Minister of Public Health welcomed and gave official remarks focused on the importance of natural resource for medicines, for the right utilization, right directions and effective quality. Besides, the meeting also keep on issuing exploration permission, coordination management between related natural resource for medicine sectors, in order to ensure correct exploration, sustaining natural which requires responsibilities from all related sectors. This meeting is the continuous meeting from previous twos that the Ministry of Public Health organized: The Third Traditional Medicines Meeting throughout the country, and The Mid-Term Meeting Review on the Implementation of Traditional Medicine Development Plan which was organized in September 2014. The meeting raised up difficulties on the implementation of natural resources for medicine in local level due to no uniformity system was set which causes random exploration, without technicality and there are gaps which not worth economic impact. In addition, the coordination between related sectors is also not good enough.

The Director General, Department of Food and Medicines has reported the implementation on dissemination of laws, degrees, notifications to ensure that participants comprehend on Degree 155/PM on Natural Resources for Medicines, as in 2007 the list of natural resources for medicine contains 30 items and in 2013 was added 20 items, altogether are 50 items. Moreover, The Director General also reported on the implementation of the notification. The authorization of official permissions to companies for distill activities, compounding medicines, particularly Coscinium Usitatum P Powder those are not reach standard that were establishes in some provinces, were raised up to cease the authorization or issuing permission. Furthermore, the government also issue notifications to related sectors to pay attention, to create measures, conditions for powder distilled from natural resources industries.

The outcome of this meeting has point out that: continuous on disseminating and implement notification on Degree on Natural Resources for Medicines No. 155/PM, dated 30 March 2003; continuous in increasing coordination between related sectors such as: central, provincial, district, and village to share responsibilities; continuous on defining measures, industry standards by cooperating with Department of Import and Export, Department of Industry and Handicraft, Department of Food and Drugs, in order to define managing-inspection plan, the exploration including authorizing import-export permission to ensure the principled; continuous on disseminating through medias: television, radio, brochures, and posters for the understanding of citizens and business sectors; continuous on revising procedures authorizing import-export goods on drugs to be shorter, faster, due to it was previously take too long time; proposed the Ministry of Industry and Commerce to be a coordinator with relate sectors: Ministry of Agricultural and Forestry, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Ministry of Public Health in identifying goods management and to assist in disseminating information timely. In order to ensure participation of society, avoiding impacts on environment and natural resources.

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