The purpose of this meeting is to review measures that central level had commented at the meeting in October 2013 in Vientiane Capital on the Trade Facilitation Agreement which resulted in 3 categories: Category A: 21 articles are able to fully implement; Category B: 10 articles are able to implement 70%; Category C: 11 articles need time and support. Therefore, this meeting will ensure that the result of the assessment is correct and consistent with the implementation at provincial level. It is to guarantee the benefit of Lao PDR in snatching need and priority in developing economic and society of the Lao PDR.

The meeting was a significant discussion floor in interchanging opinions on Lao PDR trade facilitation in order to enhance the consistent between central and local level. The participants commented that this meeting is an important tool to distribute policies and the outcome of the implementation on trade facilitation. The knowledge of this meeting can be used practically in their work which shown in active discussion and the well understanding of trade facilitation policies.

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