(Unofficial translation)



Ministry of Industry and Commerce


Vientiane Capital, on 11 May 2015



Minister of Industry and Commerce’s Order on controlling tobacco production price by indicating retailing minimum price


To: Head of Provincial, Vientiane Capital Industry, and Commerce Division.

  • According to the Decree on the organization and activities of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, No. 522/PM, dated 23/12/2011
  • According to Decree on the control of product prices and service charges, No. 474/PM, dated 18/11/2010
  • According to the notification of the Government Office regarding the control of the price of cigarettes with measures to determine the minimum retail price. No. 346/GO, dated 26/02/2015.


In protecting the health of citizens who are affected by the use of tobacco products and exposure to tobacco smoke, aiming to reduce access to tobacco by young people. Reducing illegal tobacco trade, maintaining price stability, and protecting the rights and interests of legitimate businesses and operators of the state.


The Minister of Industry and Commerce issued an order:

1. The Provincial, Vientiane Capital Industry and Commerce Division direct the District Industry and Commerce in publishing and recommend this order to all tobacco factories, markets, and shops within their respective districts as follows:

  • managing the retail price of all brands of tobacco products, which are imported from abroad and produced in the country, which are sold in the market and in various stores by recommending that they sell at the minimum price of three thousand LAK (LAK 3,000) per pack.
  • Cigarettes sold in markets and shops must have tax stamps attached to each pack and set.
  • Cigarettes must be guaranteed quality, not spoiled or expired.
  • Import cigarettes is required to have a valid import certificate.

Dissemination and guidance to the content of this order to all tobacco factories, markets, and stores around the districts within 30 days from the effective date of this order.

2. When the dissemination and guidance have been done, the Department of Internal Trade and the Provincial, Vientiane Capital Industry and Commerce Division will assign authorities to inspect and monitor the markets and shops if any violations are found as stated in Clause 1 of this order. Fine against the violators as stipulated in Clause 3 of this order and as stipulated in Decree on the control of product prices and service charges and related laws and regulations, No. 474/PM, dated 18/11/2010.

3.  Actions to be taken against violators as follows:

1).   Violation for the first time to warn and make a signed record acknowledging the violation;

2). If there is a second violation, fine from five hundred thousand Lak to one million Lak (LAK 500,000 - 1,000,000);

3). If there is a third violation, a fine of one million to two million Lak (LAK 1,000,000 - 2,000,000) and all illegal tobacco products will be confiscated.

4.  Actions against violators shall begin after 45 days from the effective date of this order.

5. The Provincial, Vientiane Capital Industry and Commerce Division shall provide a quarterly report on the results of implementation, if there are any problems they should urgently report for a solution to the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (Department of Internal Trade).

6.  The Department of Internal Trade will monitor and give advice to the Provincial, Vientiane Capital Industry and Commerce Division in the implementation of this order in a highly efficient manner;

7. The Provincial, Vientiane Capital Industry and Commerce Division, and the District Office of Industry and Commerce to implement this order strictly.

8. This order is effective from the date of signing.


Acting Minister
Ministry of Industry and Commerce
Mrs. Khemmani Pholsena


# Title Download
1 Order of the Minister of Industry and Commerce on Controlling Tobacco Production Price by indicating Retailing Minimum Price, No. 0896/MoIC.IC, dated 11th May 2015 PDF
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