(Unofficial translation)



Ministry of Industry and Commerce                         No.  1812/MOIC.DIMEX
Vientiane Capital, dated 04 September 2015


To:  Provincial and Vientiane Capital Department of Industry and Commerce

    Subject: The Extension of the Notification of Government’s Office No. 790/PSPM.SO, dated 21 May 2015 and No. 1360/PSPM.DE, dated 18 August 2015.

-          Pursuant to  the Prime Minister’s decree on the Organization and Movement of Ministry of Industry and Commerce No. 522/PM, dated 23 December 2011;

-          Pursuant to the Notification of the Government’s Office No. 790/PSPM.SO, dated 21 May 2015;

-          Pursuant to the Notification of the Government’s Office No. 1360/PSPM.DE, dated 18 August 2015

In order to ensure the harmonization on the extension of the Notification of the Government Office No. 790/PSPM.SO, dated 21 May 2015 and No. 1360/PSPM.DE, dated 18 August 2015 effectively and efficiently

Minister of Industry and Commerce notifies following orders:

1.      Strictly prohibits the export of all types of logs, big sized sawed timber, and sawed timber. They shall be processed prior to export.

2.      Timbers emanating from projects especially infrastructure projects, electricity dam projects, mining exploration projects, road exploration project, electricity lines and development projects shall be widely auctioned to domestic processing factories for domestic procession or completely processed for export.

3.       As for planted timbers they are encouraged for processing within the country. However, in case it is unable to be processed, it is permitted export as logs according to the certification of source and documents from relevant authorities specified in the Notification on the Procedure for Import and Export of Planted Timbers No. 1791/MOIC.DIMEX, dated 15 September 2011, the Additional Notification No. 1135/PSPM/PS, dated 06 May 2014 and other laws and regulations.

4.      The Provincial and Vientiane Capital Department of Industry and Commerce shall coordinate with relevant authorities to improve compliance of the factories by inspecting, evaluating all type of wood processing factories under their responsibility aiming at quality, standard of manufacturing, implementation of laws by classifying them as good, neutral and weak. If any private sector is able to meet requirements, factory standards, and operate according to the laws, it will be continually promoted. But, if any private sector could not meet those, it will be required to improve immediately within specified period of time.

5.      The Provincial and Vientiane Capital Department of Industry and Commerce shall periodically and regularly report the improvement and compliance of the wood factories under their responsibilities to local authorities and Ministry of Industry and Commerce (Department of Industries and Handicraft).

6.      The Wood Processing Industry Association and Furniture Association shall cooperate in improving wood processing factory, their wood products with set quality and standards by self-improving and self-strengthening in the form of systemizing the industry, processing finished products, adding value and branding of products, guarantee quality, standards, coordinate and cooperate, share manufacturing and use planted products.

7.      The Provincial and Vientiane Capital Department of Industry and Commerce shall coordinate with relevant authorities for inspection. In case a violation is found, it shall be strictly dealt with according to laws and regulations.

8.      The Provincial and Vientiane Capital Department of Industry and Commerce shall educate and recommend private sector to implement correctly and strictly.

9.      The order becomes effective on the date of its signature.


Ministry of Industry and Commerce

(Signed and sealed)

Khemmani Pholsena

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