Lao PDR and P.R of China signed protocols on sanitary and phytosanitary requirements since 2012, including: Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Requirements to have Pest Inspection on Corn before Importing to the P.R of China was signed on 10 January 2012; Protocol of Phytosanitary Requirements for the Export of Watermelon, Banana, Dried Cassava of Lao PDR to  P.R of China was signed on 26 September 2013; and  Protocol on Plant Inspection and Quarantine Requirements for Exporting Rice of Lao PDR to P.R of China was signed on 5 January 2015. Before Lao exporters are able to export those agricultural products, they have to strictly follow the requirements.

Each year, P.R of China grants import quotas of rice to World Trade Organization members amounted for 2,660,000 tons. The allocation of such quotas is based on first come first served basis. In 2015, under the bilateral agreement, P.R of China grants rice import quotas to Lao PDR for 8,000 tons.

Rubber is listed in Sensitive Products List of PR China with the import tariff of 20%. In order to facilitate the export from Lao PDR to P.R of China, Lao PDR plans to initiate the negotiation on SPS measures of rubbers with P.R of China. At present, PR China is investigating rubber production in Lao PDR. The Lao PDR’s Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry is drafting the bilateral agreement with P.R of China. Once it is agreed, rubbers will be able to export to China officially.

Tobaccos is also listed in the Sensitive Products List, with the import tariff of 10%. Currently, Lao PDR does not have any plan to initiate the negotiation on SPS requirements with P.R of China.

Source:  Trade in Goods Division, Foreign Trade Policy Department

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