Ministry of Industry and Commerce issues an Ordinance on products labeling in Lao language, No. 2501/MoIC.DDT, dated 16 December 2015, in order to expand content of  the Law on Consumer Protection, No. 02/NA, dated 30 June 2010. The ordinance aims to increase understanding of local authorities in terms of their duties in administrating and following up with products labeling in Lao language. It also focuses on encouraging domestic manufacturer and importer to label products in Lao language prior to distribution. It aims to increase consumers understanding about benefits and quality of product before purchasing and utilizing in order to avoid buying low quality products, expired products or deteriorate products and to prevent bad effects on health and property of consumers and the environment. The order requires labeling on products in Lao language with following contents:

1.         Type or category of product;
2.         Trademark as registered by manufacturer and importer;
3.         Address of the production and importer for the distribution, country of origin;
4.         Price, quantity, weight, quality, mass, ingredients, direction of use, warnings, date of manufacture, and date of expiry.

For products that had already been manufactured or imported before the promulgation of this regulation, retailers are required to coordinate with suppliers to obtain Lao label.

The ordinance was published in Lao official gazette on 24 December 2015 and entered into force on 8 January 2016.

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