Lao PDR Trade Portal Management Team (LTP) represents Office of the Trade Facilitation Secretariat (TFS), Department of Import and Export organized a Meeting to review coordination mechanism in 2015 and Plan for 2016 between LTP Focal Point and the LTP Management Team on 2-3 March 2016, at Mercure Hotel, Vientiane Capital. The meeting was chaired by Mme. Banesaty Thephavong, Director General, Department of Import and Export, Ministry of Industry and Commerce. Total number of 65 participants to this meeting are LTP focal points from 28 sectors.

The Meeting to review coordination mechanism in 2015 and Plan for 2016 between LTP Focal Point and the LTP Management Team aims to review the implementation of coordination to Lao PDR Trade Portal 2015 and plan for 2016. The meeting also provide training on how to use LTP e-mail ([email protected]) and LTP Forum in order to keep developing LTP website sustainably, containing various trade content and up to date.

Mme. Banesaty Thephavong mentioned “the outcome of the past coordination work highlights number of great achievements, especially a better trade information supply as resulted in the increasing regulations on the website and they are more up to date. The objective is to simplify private sector to access trade regulations and rules easily, simply and promptly”.

The past one-year coordination has shown significant accomplishment of successful coordination between LTP management team with LTP focal points. In particularly, the coordination for information and documents are more convenient and takes less time. As a result, LTP website are now able to provide more trade information and in timely manner. Corresponding to queries from [email protected] and [email protected] is also more sufficient. However, challenging to the implementations are still remain, for example: the appointment of technical officer as focal point from some sectors are not consistence with coordination work; the delivery of documents, news or update of information and usage of LTP Forum from some sectors are not in regular basis; and procedures requesting for information from some sectors is still required official letter.

In the future, TFS plans to organize coordination review meeting and supplying information at least once a year; hold regular meeting quarterly; provide training for trainers on how to use LTP website so that the trainers could deliver this technical skill to officers in their sector; create e-mail discussion group and application discussion group through smart phone to fasten the coordination; and update procedures for import-export and other documents for a more various information and more up to dated LTP website.

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