NameQuality Certification - Imported Fuel
DescriptionThe import of fuel must be certified the quality from the Department of Standardization and Metrology, the Ministry of Science and Technology
CommentsTo manage the quality of the importing goods which shall comply with the specified national standard as well as collect the import data and importing companies in clearly manner
Validity From2016-08-01
Validity To9999-12-31
ReferenceAs mentioned in the annex no. 1867/MOST.DSM, dated 27 July 2016 and Article 15 of Decision on the Management, Inspection, and Certification of Fuel no. 0541/MoST, dated 8 June 2016
Technical Code
Measure TypeCertificate Requirement
AgencyMinistry of Industry and Commerce
Legal Document- Decision on the Management, Inspection, and Certification of Fuel no. 0541/MoST, dated 8 June 2016
- Procedure for Fuel Quality Inspection at Department of Standardization and Metrology, Border Checkpoint, Storage, Gas Station, and Procedure for Service Fee Collection of the Fuel Quality Inspection no. 0952/MoST.PS, dated 28 July 2016
Is StandardNo
UN CodeB83
Measure ClassGood
Created Datetime2014-05-19 15:38:39
Updated Datetime2023-07-18 09:28:45
# Procedure Name Description Category View Detail
1 Procedure to obtain quality certificate for imported fuel Before importation of fuel, importer need to apply for a quality certificate from the Department of Standard and Methodology. General
# Title Description Issued By File
# HS Code Description
1 2710121100 - - - - Of RON 97 and above
2 2710121300 - - - - Of other RON
3 2710197100 - - - - Automotive diesel fuel
4 2710197200 - - - - Other diesel fuels
5 2710198100 - - - Aviation turbine fuel (jet fuel) having a flash point of 23 oC or more
6 2710198200 - - - Aviation turbine fuel (jet fuel) having a flash point of less than 23 oC
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