In accordance with Decision on the Management, Inspection, and Certification of Fuel No. 0541/MoST, dated 8 June 2016 and Procedure for Fuel Quality Inspection at Department of Standardization and Metrology, Border Checkpoint, Storage, Gas Station, and Procedure for Service Fee Collection of the Fuel Quality Inspection No. 0952/MoST.PS, dated 28 July 2016. This Decision outlines a principle, regulation and measure on management, inspection and certification of fuel’s quality that is produced, imported, exported, refined and distributed in Lao PDR on the basis of complying with regulations, principles and national standard that are consistent with regional and international practices aiming at promoting service quality and that is in accordance with actual circumstances and contributes to the national socio-economic development.


Application for imported petroleum quality certificate comprises the following procedures:

  1. Importer prepare the application and supporting documents such as:
  • Application letter (free form)
  • Copy of Company Registration/Incorporation Certificate;
  • Copy of permit documents for produce, import, export, and processing petroleum;
  • Quality Certificate from exporting countries (must be less than 6 months from the certificate date);
  • Other supporting documents (If necessary)
  1. Importer submits the application at Department of Standard and Methodology and pay the fee of 600,000 Kip.
  2. After importer submits the application at Department of Standard and Methodology, the official will review applications:  
  • In case, the application is correct and completed, Department of Standard and Methodology will consider the issuance the quality certificate within 03 working days.  
  • In case of incorrect application, Department of Standard and Methodology will inform the importer within 05 working days to resubmit the correct application.
  1. When the application is complete and correct, Department of Standard and Methodology will issue the quality certificate.                                 .
  2. Importer collects the quality certificate at Department of Standard and Methodology.
  • At the crossing border, importer submits the quality certificate along with other required documents, and process custom declaration to import petroleum.
# Title Description Issued By File
# Name Description Measure Type Agency Comments Legal Document Validity To Measure Class
1 Quality Certification - Imported Fuel The import of fuel must be certified the quality from the Department of Standardization and Metrology, the Ministry of Science and Technology Certificate Requirement Ministry of Industry and Commerce To manage the quality of the importing goods which shall comply with the specified national standard as well as collect the import data and importing companies in clearly manner Decision on the Management, Inspection, and Certification of Fuel no. 0541/MoST, dated 8 June 2016 9999-12-31 Good
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