NameLabeling requirement - Imported Products
DescriptionAll imported products shall be labeled as Lao Language except the products that specify in chapter 4 of this Order as following: 1) Product for reexport, Trade in transit and exhibition; 2) Gift and Present; 3) Fresh and processed food witout packaging that directly sell to consumer; and 4) Raw materials without packaging that supply for industrial production.
CommentsTo ensure that the consumer understand the properties and quality of product.
Validity From2015-12-16
Validity To9999-12-31
ReferenceSub-chapter 1 and 2 of chapter 1 of Ministerial order No. 2501/MOIC.DTD and No. 1 and 2 of an Instruction No. 0281/DTD and Article 18 & 19 of the law No. 02/NA
Technical Code
Measure TypeTBT
AgencyMinistry of Industry and Commerce
Legal Document- Ordinance of the Minister of Industry and Commerce on products labeling in Lao language, No. 2501/MoIC.DTD, dated 16 Dec 2015
- Law on Consumer Protection No.02/NA, dated 30 June 2010
- Instruction on the Implementation of Ordinance of the Minister of Industry and Commerce No. 2501/MoIC.DTD, dated 16 Dec 2015 on products labeling in Lao language No. 0281/DDT.CPCD, dated 11 March 2016
Is StandardNo
UN CodeB31
Measure ClassGood
Created Datetime2016-03-18 14:51:54
Updated Datetime2023-07-18 10:46:21
# Title Description Issued By File
Step-by-Step Guide
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