Ministry of Industry and Commerce                                     

                                                                   Department of Domestic Trade                                                                       

No. 0281/MOIC.DTD

Vientiane Capital, dated 11 March 2016

On the Implementation of Ordinance of the Minister of Industry and Commerce No. 2501/MoIC.DTD, dated 16 Dec 2015 on products labelling in Lao language


To: -  Director of the Industry and Commerce Department in Provinces, Vientiane Capital

  • Head of the Industry and Commerce District Offices


  • Pursuant to the Law on Consumer Protection, No. 02/NA, dated 30 June 2010.
  • Pursuant to the Minister’s Order on products labelling in Lao language, No.2501/MoIC.DTD, dated 16 Dec 2015.
  •  Pursuant to the Decision on the organizations and implementations of Department of Domestic Trade, No. 2250/MOIC.HR, dated 20 October 2012.


To elaborate the content of Minister of Industry and Commerce on products labelling in Lao language to mechanism this order for uniform across the country, the Department of Domestic Trade issues the instruction to the Department of Industry and Commerce at provincials, Vientiane Capital, District of Industry and Commerce Offices for implementation as following:


  1. To the Department of Industry and Commerce at provincials, Vientiane Capital collaborate with the District of Industry and Commerce Offices to notify relevant agencies and local authorities acknowledge beside with the dissemination for domestic producers, importers, wholesaler and distributors regarding to response on strict on products labelling in Lao language before distribute for retailers and consumers, except goods that allow to labelling exception in according to Article 4 of order 2501. The way for disseminate is based on facilities of provincial departments as invite on the target audiences for the meeting or online publishing, hand out distribute and other forms to enterprises unit based on suitable situation. The most significant is disseminating to private sector as the main target to widely acknowledge.  
  2. The main contents of goods labeling to attached Lao language labelling that has to compliance with the Article 19 of the Law on Consumer Protection, No. 02/NA, dated 30 June 2010 which is indicated as Article 4 should cover in, the content of labelling be able to cover more information based on actual basic and attribute of goods but do not allow advertise beyond the limit or not compliance with the true.
  3. Labelling must be firmed, strictly hold in order to avoid damage or lose (in general is attached from manufacture), easy to see and be able to well readable and must be attached on both products and packages or containers, boxes or tanks and be able attached with previous labelling. If there is no enough space and the Lao language labelling has to cover on documents or guidance which is use for such products.
  4. Products that are exempted from this labelling as indicated in according to Article 4 of order 2501, including imported products for exhibition.
  5.  Producers, importers, wholesalers, distributors and retailers that’s violate Order No. 2501, there will be a warning, recording, fining, sanction or termination of business registration certificate.
    • First violation for producers, importers, wholesalers and distributors is will be a warning and recoding but in the recording has to mention the extended time period for 1 month in order to violator re-attached Lao language labelling. If within 1 month the violator does not implemented that is called second violation, there will be fine 5,000,000 - 5,000,000 Kip and thirst violation is 7,000,000 - 9,000,000 Kip and termination of business registration certificate as temporary than re-attached Lao language labelling. After completed attached Lao language labelling, must report to the Department of Industry and Commerce at provinces, capital will collaborate with District Industry and Commerce Offices to inspect and record or worst case scenario if violator does not follow the order that the authorities will be terminate of business registration certificate.
    • Retailers: in case the first violation, there will be a warning and record of violation but in the recording has to mention the extended time period for 1 month in order to violators re-attached Lao language labelling. If within 1 month the violator does not implemented that is called second violation, there will be fine 500,000 - 1,000,000 Kip and thirst violation is 1,000,000 - 2,000,000 Kip as well as grab hold of goods which not attached Lao language labelling and also stop selling goods in order to re-attached Lao language labeling before  re-sell again.

For the penalties section is set in the decision on implementing organization for consumer protection of Industry and Commerce sector, No 1746/MOIC, dated 23 August 2012 Article 12 and cancelling the decision of Minister of Industry and Commerce on implementing organization for trade inspection at section 1.9 Article 11, No 2772/MOIC.DDT, dated 14 December 2012.

  1. The order 2501 is effective from the date of signature and fifth teen (15) days after published on the Official Gazette on 24 December 2015. Therefore, retailers will begin to implement on 14 April 2016 and domestic manufacturers, importers and wholesalers or distributors will begin on 14 March onwards.


Therefore, Domestic Trade Department has issued this instruction to implementation that Order 2501.


Director General of Domestic Trade

[Signature and seal]


# Title Download
1 Instruction on the Implementation of Ordinance of the Minister of Industry and Commerce No. 2501/MoIC.DTD, dated 16 Dec 2015 on products labeling in Lao language No. 0281/DDT.CPCD, dated 11 March 2016 PDF
2 ຄຳແນະນຳໃນການຈັດຕັ້ງປະຕິບັດຄໍາສັ່ງ ຂອງລັດຖະມົນຕີວ່າການ ກະຊວງອຸດສາຫະກໍາ ແລະ ການຄ້າ ສະບັບເລກທີ 2501/ອຄ.ຄພນ, ລົງວັນທີ 16 ທັນວາ 2015 ກ່ຽວກັບ ການຕິດສະຫຼາກສິນຄ້າ ເປັນພາສາລາວ ເລກທີ 0281/ຄພນ.ປຊຂ, ລົງວັນທີ 11 ມີນາ 2016 PDF
Measures / Standards
# Name Type Agency Description Law Valid To Apply To
1 Labeling requirement - Imported Products TBT Ministry of Industry and Commerce All imported products shall be labeled as Lao Language except the products that specify in chapter 4 of this Order as following: 1) Product for reexport, Trade in transit and exhibition; 2) Gift and Present; 3) Fresh and processed food witout packaging that directly sell to consumer; and 4) Raw materials without packaging that supply for industrial production.
  1. Ordinance of the Minister of Industry and Commerce on products labeling in Lao language, No. 2501/MoIC.DTD, dated 16 Dec 2015
  2. Law on Consumer Protection No.02/NA, dated 30 June 2010
  3. Instruction on the Implementation of Ordinance of the Minister of Industry and Commerce No. 2501/MoIC.DTD, dated 16 Dec 2015 on products labeling in Lao language No. 0281/DDT.CPCD, dated 11 March 2016
9999-12-31 ALL
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