Procedures for permission to export minerals and mineral products



Pursuant to the Notification on the Procedure to request Plan and Mineral Product for Distribution No. 0011/DOM3, dated 04 January 2019, the procedures for exporting licenses of minerals and mineral products are as follows:


Step 1 Preparing documents for export permits of minerals and mineral products.

A company or business entity that can submit a mineral product plan must be a person who has been licensed to conduct mining business. In accordance with the laws, regulations and fulfill its financial obligations under the concession agreement and the relevant customs regulations, which must be accompanied by the following documents:

  • Relevant documents for distribution plan
  • Request application
  • Distribution plan
  • Summary of the last implementation, such as: production, distribution, value of distribution, financial obligations to the government (with supporting documents) and advantages and disadvantages (according to the form).


  • Relevant documents for distribution per time.

1) Request application

2) Documents confirming the fulfillment of financial obligations in the past, such as mineral resources fees, taxes, duties and other fees (in the case of previous distribution);

3) Trading agreements with customers and mineral research results.


Step 2 Receiving and checking the documents

- Circulation documents for the plan: Submission of documents at the Information Window -> Provincial/Capital Departments/Division of Mines -> Division/Relevant Offices -> Provincial/Capital General Directors sign the approval -> Distribution the verify letter at the Information Window.

- Circulation documents for distribution: Submission of documents at the Information Window -> Relevant divisions/offices -> Provincial/Capital Department/Division of Mines sign the approval -> Distribution the permission letter at the Information Window.


The document will be accepted for consideration in the next step if the attachment is complete and the conditions are correct as specified in step 1 above.


Step 3 The documents consideration

The Department/Division of Mines at the Provinces/Capital will consider and sign the approval plan within one working day. As detailed below:

• Receipt of documents at the Information Window of the relevant departments. If the documents are complete according to step 1, the entry number will be entered and sent to the relevant department for checking and consideration. In case of incorrect or incomplete documents, the recipient of the documents at the entrance will be notified immediately.

• The technical officer of the relevant department will receive the documents for further consideration. If the documents are incorrect, the applicant will be notified for amendment. If the documents are correct and the consideration is complete, the technical officers will draft a notification to the General Director (DG) for a final consideration.

The DG will consider and approve the notification of the mineral products permission.


Step 4 Sign on the notification of mineral products contribution.

After the DG signs and approves the notification of the mineral products distribution, the applicants can receive the approval letter at the Information Window.


Step 5 Obtaining the Notification of mineral products contribution

The applicants can receive the notifications at the Department of Mines, Ministry of Energy and Mines.


Note: There is no fee and service fee for the notification of mineral products.

  • Compensation for mineral resources

Entrepreneurs must submit a product notice to the Ministry of Finance to calculate the cost of resources and complete the payment of resources (according to the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Energy and Mines and the Ministry of Finance dated 12 August 2021).

  • Monitoring of mineral products

Entrepreneurs must submit the authorized documents and related documents to the Department of Mines of the Province/Capital, the relevant parties to appoint a committee to inspect and monitor the quantity of mineral products by sticking to the pods and using the certificate of movement before exporting minerals and processing ore out of the area.

  • Implementation at international checkpoints

Entrepreneurs can submit license documents and related documents at the Customs Checkpoints according to the procedures and regulations.


For further information, please contact to the Department of Mines, Ministry of Energy and Mines, telephone number +856 21 415123




# Title Description Issued By File
1 Import/Export License for Minerals and Mineral Products Import/Export License for Minerals and Mineral Products Ministry of Energy and Mines DOCX
# Name Description Measure Type Agency Comments Legal Document Validity To Measure Class
1 Requirement to obtain import license - Mineral and mineral products Mineral and mineral products need to be obtained an import permit by Department of Mines, MEM Licensing Requirement Ministry of Energy and Mines For the management of import mineral and mineral products for the maximum benefits of country’s economy Decision on Import and Export Licensing Procedures of Minerals and Mineral Products No. 0352/MEM 9999-12-31 Good
2 Requirement to obtain export license for mineral products Export of mineral products need to obtain an export permit from Department of Mines, MEM Licensing Requirement Ministry of Energy and Mines For the management of mineral and mineral products export for the maximum benefits of country’s economy Decision on Import and Export Licensing Procedures of Minerals and Mineral Products No. 0352/MEM 9999-12-31 Good
3 Inspection requirement for export - Mineral Product The mineral products need to be inspected at the processing or production site by the officer of Energy and Mines Sector in collaboration with the officer of State Asset Management Sector before an exportation. Inspection Requirement Ministry of Energy and Mines For the management, inspection and value evaluation before exportation. Decree on export mining products, No. 90/PM, dated 09 June 2008 9999-12-31 Good
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