According to Law on Telecommunication (Amended), No. 09/NA dated 21 December 2011 and Law on Information Technology No. 02/NA, dated 07 November 2016, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications governs the import of ICT equipment.

Specific regulation that governs the import and export of ICT equipment is Decision on the Import and Distribution of ICT Equipment No. 3201/MPI, dated 16 November 2016.



To request for Import License of ICT equipment requires to make a request per import as follows:

1.     Importer prepares documents for the application of Import License, which consists of:

-       Request Letter (download here)
-       A copy of Enterprise Registration Certificate
-       A copy of Import Business Permission
-       A copy of Annual Tax Payment Certificate
-       Standard Certificate of origin country
-       List of equipment in details and/or actual equipment (in case the equipment is required technical inspection)
-       A copy of Invoice
-       A copy of Packing List
-       Letter of Attorney

Importer submits the documents mentioned above to Department of Information and Communication Technology, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications.

2.     Department of Information and Communication Technology considers the application in 10 weekdays. Except for ICT equipment that has never been certified in Lao PDR and requires technical check may take longer time.

-         If the application is correct, the department will sign and authenticate the Import License.
-         If the application is incorrect, the department will notify the importer to re-submit the application.

3.     Once the documents are complete and correct, Department of Information and Communication Technology will issue the Import License. (See sample here)

4.     Importer collects the Import License, pay fee 100,000 Kips and service charge 100,000 Kips at Department of Information and Communication Technology, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications.

# Title Description Issued By File
1 Request Letter to Import ICT Equipment Request Letter to Import ICT Equipment Ministry of Technology and Communications PDF
# Name Description Measure Type Agency Comments Legal Document Validity To Measure Class
1 Charge fee for Technical Certificate of Imported Telecommunications Equipment Charge fee for technical certificate of imported telecommunications equipment of 100,000 Kip/time Duty/Tax Payable Ministry of Technology and Communications For state revenue collection purpose The President of Lao PDR’s Decree on Fee and Service Charge, No. 002/POL, date 17 June 2021 9999-12-31 Good
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