In reference to the Decree on movies No.246/GoL dated 23 July 2017. This decree stipulates principles, regulations and measures regulating the management, Inspection of organization and the activities on movies to assure rights and responsibilities of legal identities and individuals involving in any movie-related activities aiming to assure the systemization and standardization of the management and the inspection throughout the country in making movie as a tool contributing to the conservation and the promotion of cultural heritage  of all Lao people for its sustainable existence

To declare the import of movies, film, CDs & DVDs include these procedures:

1.      Entrepreneurs wishing to declare of their import of movies, film, CDs & DVDs shall submit these following documents:

-      An import request letter for movies

-      Other required documents include:

+     A business registration certificate

+     A certificate of copyright for the movie.

2.      Importers to pay the fee of 300.000 KIP per each movie as per a content inspection.

3.      Importers to submit documents to the reception desk at the Film Department in order for officials to check the completion and accuracy.

-      In case of completion and accuracy of documents, the Film Department under the Information, Culture, and Tourism Ministry will consider issuing an import permit of movie in 03-05 official working days.

-      In case of incompletion of documents, the Film Department shall inform the entrepreneurs to resubmit the documents.

4.      Once received complete and accurate documents, the Film Department shall consider to sign and issue an import permit.

5.      Entrepreneurs to obtain an import permit at the Film Department.

-      After officials have given out permits, importers shall pay fees of 300.000 KIP per a movie and obtain an import permit at the film Department under the Information, Culture, and Tourism Ministry.


# Title Description Issued By File
# Name Description Measure Type Agency Comments Legal Document Validity To Measure Class
1 Requirement to obtain import permit - Film Individual, legal entity or internal and external organisation who aims to import films for publishing shall apply the import permit at Department of film, MICT. Licensing Requirement Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism To preserve national culture and tradition by managing and inspecting the techniques and contents of importing film products Law on Films No. 76/NA, dated 27 November 2019 9999-12-31 Good
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