Before applying for a license to import or export pesticides to the Agriculture sector, the Division of Agriculture of Provincial / Central must register the pesticide license with the Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry to obtain a pesticide business license.

Procedure 1: The register must attach the following documents with the application form to submit to the Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry as following:

1. Application form;

2. Copy of enterprise registration certificate;

3. Import business license for sale pesticides;

4. A copy of the pesticide registration certificate from the exporting country and / or country of origin;

5. Certificate of registration from the manufacturer or exporting country;

6. Pesticide manual;

7. Pesticide registration certificate of the country of origin;

8. Pesticide samples.


Procedure 2: Documents assessment.

A receptionist will check the accuracy and completeness of the documents immediately once is submitted. If all documents are correct as mention in the Procedure 1 then it will be considered for the next step. If the documents are incomplete or not correct, an officer will clarify the reason of incomplete documents and request to re-submit.


Procedure 3: Consideration of licensing.

The Department of Agriculture will approve or deny the applying license within 30 working days after submitting a request letter. If the application is denied, the Department of Agriculture will inform in written to explain the reason for unsuccessful documents.


Procedure 4. Pesticide registration certificate.

Pesticide registration is an official document issued by the Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry with a validity of 02 years. If the intention is to continue, the holder of the license must submit an application for registration with the Department of Agriculture before the license expires 02 months. Application and consideration for pesticide registration shall be in accordance with Articles 12 and 13 of the Decision No. 2860 / MAF, dated 11 June 2010.


Procedure 5. Obtaining a license.

Entrepreneurs can get the registration by the date as mention at the Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Once the pesticide has been registered, you can continue to apply for import and export licenses. Click here to see the procedures for applying to import and export licenses.


Further information, please contact to the Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

# Title Description Issued By File
# Name Description Measure Type Agency Comments Legal Document Validity To Measure Class
1 Authorization requirement for imported slight hazardous pesticides Pesticides with low risk are toxic to health and lives of people. imports of such pesticides must be authorized by organizations managing pesticides and must strictly conform to relevant regulations Permit Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry to protect human health Decree on Pesticide Management No.258/GoL, dated 24 August 2017 9999-12-31 Good
2 authorization requirement for imported the unlikely to present acute hazardous pesticides Pesticide that are unlikely to present acute hazard are toxic to health and lives of people. imports of such pesticides must be authorized by agriculture and forestry sector, except the bio pesticides that are safe to health of people, animals and environment and not stored in containers for commercial purposes. Permit Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry to protect human health Decree on Pesticide Management No.258/GoL, dated 24 August 2017 9999-12-31 Good
3 authorization requirement for the export of moderately risk pesticides Pesticides with medium risk are toxic to health and lives of people. exports of such pesticides must be authorized by agriculture and forestry sector and must strictly be under management of relevant regulations Permit Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry to protect human health Decree on Pesticide Management No.258/GoL, dated 24 August 2017 9999-12-31 Good
4 Authorization requirement for the export of slightly hazardous pesticide Pesticides with low risk are toxic to health and lives of people. exports of such pesticides must be authorized by organizations managing pesticides and must strictly conform to relevant regulations Permit Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry to protect human health Decree on Pesticide Management No.258/GoL, dated 24 August 2017 9999-12-31 Good
5 authorization requirement to export unlikely to present acute hazardous pesticide Pesticides that are unlikely to present acute hazard are toxic to health and lives of people. exports of such pesticides must be authorized by agriculture and forestry sector, except the bio pesticides that are safe for health of people, animals and environment and are not stored in containers for commercial purposes. Permit Requirement Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry to protect human health Decree on Pesticide Management No.258/GoL, dated 24 August 2017 9999-12-31 Good
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