Pursuant to Fisheries Law No.03/NA, dated 09 July 2009. A purpose of commercial fisheries in terms of raising, breeding, catching, processing fish and other aquatic animals for commercial purposes and contribution to the conservation and protection of aquatic animals.

Pursuant to the Decision on Import, Export and Transit of Aquatic Animals and Aquatic Products No. 4211/MOAF, dated 29 November 2019 (https://www.laotradeportal.gov.la/index.php/site/display/1856)

For preparation before importing fish species or aquatic animals must be followed as details as below:

  1. Receiving information, regulations and applications for import of aquatic animals and aquatic products at the District/Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Division or the International Veterinary Checkpoint, Department of Livestock and Fisheries or download at www.dlf.maf.gov.la or www.laotradeportal.gov.la;
  2. Submitting the application to the Department of Livestock and Fisheries for at least fifteen working days. Prior to the import of the printed form specified in Annex 3 of this Decision, the Department of Livestock and Fisheries shall assess the risk and consider issuing the license in the printed form specified in Annex 4 of the Decision within five working days. The validity of the import license shall be based on the level of risk according to each type, type and quantity of goods, but the maximum shall not exceed ninety working days;
  3. Submitting import licenses and conditions to exporters to prepare the goods and apply for a permit from the Fisheries Authority of the country of origin in accordance with the conditions of the Lao PDR;
  4. Informing relevant the documents, date and time of import to the International Veterinary Checkpoint where will import the goods at least three working days. Before the day of import that should check and confirm the authenticity of the documents by issuing a document to inspect the documents at the checkpoint. If the documents are incorrect or incomplete, the applicant must submit them correctly.


To apply for a permit to import fish species or aquatic animals, the following conditions must be as follow:


Step 1: Submitting relevant documents

The documents for an import permit of fish species or aquatic animals are as follows:

  1. Application for import permit in the form prescribed by the Department of Livestock and Fisheries;
  2. Copy of ID card or family register;
  3. Copy of passport (if a foreigner);
  4.  Power of attorney (if you have someone else run the paperwork for you);
  5. Copy of enterprise registration certificate;
  6. Business license issued by the Division of Agriculture and Forestry at the level of Provincial/Capital;
  7. Animal health certificate (used on the day the goods are actually imported);
  8. Certificate of Technical Standards on Farms / Storage Areas / Departments on a case-by-case basis;
  9. Letter from the Provincial / Capital Department of Agriculture and Forestry on the import of aquatic animals and aquatic products of the company.


Step 2: Receiving and correcting documents

Apply to the Department of Livestock and Fisheries at least 15 (fifteen) business days. Prior to import in the form specified in Annex 3 of the Decision on Import, Export and Transit of Aquatic Animals and Aquatic Products No. 4211/MOAF, dated 29 November 2019.

Document circulation: submit to reception desk -> Board of Directors, Department of Livestock and Fisheries -> Relevant divisions -> Board of Directors, sign approval -> distribute the license.


Step 3: Consideration

The Department of Livestock and Fisheries assesses the risks and considers the issuance of licenses in the form specified in Annex 4 of the Decision on Import, Export and Transit of Aquatic Animals and Aquatic Products No. 4211/MOAF, dated 29 November 2019 within 05 (five) business days.         


Step 4: Sign and stamp to issue import license

After the Board of Director signs the permit to import aquatic animals and aquatic products, the receptionist of the ministry will stamp the permit and inform applicant to pick it up.


Step 5: Obtain the license

Applicants can obtain a license from the Department of Livestock and Fisheries. The applicants must then inform the document, date and exact time for import to the International Veterinary Checkpoint where the import will take place at least three business days. Before the day of importation to check and confirm the authenticity of the documents by issuing a document to inspect the documents at the checkpoint. If the documents are incorrect or incomplete, the applicant must submit them correctly.


Procedures at the checkpoint when importing fish species or aquatic animals at the checkpoint, the procedures shall be as follows:


Additional documents on the day of actual import as details as follows:

1. Certificate of Aquatic or Sanitary Health from the Veterinary or Fisheries Authority of the country of origin;

2. Copy of Bill of Lading/Airway Bill in case of port or air freight;

3. CITES certificate of the country of origin or documents related to the third country if it is an international protected or controlled species;

4. Certificate of treatment, findings and prevention of aquatic diseases if necessary;

5. Aquaculture health certificate;

6. Certificate of Technical Standards on Farms / Storage Areas / Departments on a case-by-case basis.


The service fee is deducted after obtaining a permit from the Department of Livestock and Fisheries by following the President of Lao PDR’s Decree on Fee and Service Charge, No. 002/POL, date 17 June 2021


When importing fish species or aquatic animals at the checkpoint, do the following:

  1. The importer shall notify the veterinarian at the checkpoint to inspect the documents of the list of fish species or aquatic animals at the checkpoint;
  2. The veterinarian at the checkpoint shall record the information on fish species or aquatic animals into the database and then inspect and issue the inspection certificate at the checkpoint according to the form specified in the Annex 6 of the Decision No. 4211/MOAF. If any documents are found to have been altered, forged signatures or stamped by the authorities, the veterinarian at the checkpoint shall refuse to import and withhold the goods for inspection, investigation and report to the Department of Livestock and Fisheries and the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Forestry for immediate notification;
  3. In case of suspicion of fish species or aquatic animals infected or contaminated with aquatic diseases that need to be notified to the veterinarian at the checkpoint. They shall inform the importer of the goods at the detention center, introduce the monitoring plan, quarantine and technical measures applied to the importer, as specified in Annex 2 of Decision No. 4211/MOAF. and take any immediate action as follows:

• Collect and send samples of aquatic animals and aquatic products for analysis;

• Carry out disinfection of vehicles and equipment for transportation;

• Upon completion of the research, the results of the research must be announced to the importer


4. In case of finding an animal disease that needs to be reported, medicine or dangerous residues, the veterinarian at the checkpoint must take any of the following measures:

  • quarantine or quarantine of aquatic animals or aquatic products;
  • Return the goods to the exporting country;
  • Treat, sanitize and disinfect infected or contaminated goods and related materials;
  • Destroy such goods in accordance with technical principles;
  • Report to the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Forestry and the Department of Livestock and Fisheries for information to the International Organization for Animal Health, relevant organizations and exporting countries within twenty-four hours.


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