Ministry of Post and Telecommunication issues a decision on prohibited subjects for postal service No. 168/MPT, dated 23 January 2017 which specifies principles, rules and measures on prohibited objects for post in order to prevent smuggling, delivering and distribution of illegal objects those violating postal regulation, guarantee that postal business is processed in accordance with laws and regulations. It aims to ensure that the implementation is consistent with rules of Universal Postal Union, contribute to national defense, security, ruling social-economic and culture of Lao PDR.

The decision categorizes prohibited objects for post into two type: (1) First type of prohibited objectives and (2) Second type of prohibited objectives.

First type of prohibited objectives for export consist of:

-          Arms;
-          Explosive objects, flammable substances, infectious substances, chemical substances, and other hazardous items;
-          Newspapers, magazines, publications, pictures, tapes, videos, CDs, VCDs, DVDs, other materials those are written, recorded, and memorized or voices those propagandizes against Lao PDR, distort direction of the Party and polices of the Government, pornographic against Lao culture, distort morality  of religions;
-          Drugs or addictive substances, all types of active ingredients to mind-nerves, prohibited drugs in Lao PDR according to list of addictive active ingredients to mind-nerves and chemical substances, list of prohibited drug for using in Lao PDR as specified by Ministry of Health;
-          Controlled products for import and export as specified by Ministry of Industry and Commerce;
-          Other ancient objects as specified by Ministry of Information, Culture, and Tourism;
-          Rhino horn, ivory, parts of tiger and other wild animals, wild plants whether living or dead as specified by Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment;
-          Paper, ink and machine for banknote, minting machine as specified by the Bank of Lao PDR;
-          Prohibited objects for import or distribution in destination country;
-          Other prohibited and illegal objects those violate Law on Postal Service and other relevant laws and regulations of Lao PDR

Second type of prohibited objects are legal objects but inconsistent with postal regulation and relevant sector’s regulations as followings:

-          Living animals, epiphyte, plants, radioactive elements, biological materials those are not allowed for research and analyze according to relevant regulations specified by governing authorities;
-          Hazardous products;
-          All types of battery as periodically specified by the International Air Transport Association
-          Sharp objects, fragile objects, fluid and perishable goods with unwell packaging those will lead to danger for the postal officers or causing dirt or damage, and loss to other objects and postal equipment;
-          Prohibited objects for import and export as periodically specified by other sectors;
-          Valuable items such as: silver, gold, diamond, sapphire and others those the senders do not clarify to the authorities;
-          Cheque and all types of financial transactions being put in envelopes as normal letters;
-          Letter or other objectives send via post office with incorrect, incomplete, unclear address or inconsistent with postal standards

This Decision replaces Notification on Prohibited Objects for Postal Service No. 578/PMO.PTA dated 10 June 2009. It becomes effective on the date of its signatory and 15 days after publishing on Lao Official Gazette.

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