Ministry of Post and Telecommunications issued a Decision on the Import and Distribution of ICT Equipment No. 3201/MPI, dated 16 November 2016 which specifies principles, rules, and measures to govern the import and distribution of ICT equipment. It aims to guarantee quality and standards of ICT equipment for safety and fairness to consumer and society.

According to the decision, business operator is required to meet following requirements in order to import or distribute ICT equipment:

-          An adequate capital as stated in the enterprise law and relevant laws;
-          Employee’s education is at least at diplomat level and they have at least one year experience with ICT;
-          An office, storage, vehicles and equipment is adequate and appropriate with the size of an enterprise;
-          Has clear business operation plan that can be implemented;
-          Compose all documents correctly and completely as specify in the decision.

The business operator shall request for import license from Ministry of Post and Telecommunications to inspect and/or certify technical standards and safety especially International Telecommunication Union standards, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers standards, Groupe Speciale Mobile Association standards or national standards. For equipment that is required to inspect technical specification, the operator shall submit sample of the equipment and other details within 15 days prior to the import. Once the equipment passed the inspection, it will get certified stamp.

The decision has been published on Lao Official Gazette on 3rd February 2017. It became effective on the date of its signatory and after publishing on Lao Official Gazette 15 days.

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