Ministry of Industry and Commerce issues an Order on the monitoring, inspection, and interception for the import, movement, and distribution of illegal pig, pork (fresh and frozen), and animal part products No. 0874/MOIC.DTD, dated 02 June 2017 in order to intercept the import, movement of illegal piggies, breeders, pigs and pork (fresh and frozen) which may affect domestic pig production and pork supply for consumption in Lao PDR. It stipulates that Provincial and Vientiane Capital Department of Industry and Commerce shall coordinate with relevant sectors in managing and control price of the said products.

Traders who wish to import pig, pork products, and animal products for contribution in Lao PDR shall have following documents:

-          Import License issued by Management Authority for Livestock Production and Veterinary Matters (Agriculture and Forestry Sector)
-          Animal Health Certificate or Animal Sanitary Certificate issued by organization or relevant government agency of origin country in compliance with import requirement of Lao PDR;
-          In case it is the import of breeders, other relevant documents are required as specified by Management Authority for Livestock Production and Veterinary Matters.

Once the traders get approval to import animal, animal products, or related animal products, the traders shall import them through designated international border checkpoints. In addition, all of the import, the movement of piggies, breeders, pigs, pork (fresh and frozen) including animal parts shall follow the Ministerial Order of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry on the Management of the Movement of Piggies and Pigs into Lao PDR.

The Order becomes effective on 02nd June 2017.

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