Pursuant to Order No.2501/MOIC.DTD, dated 16 December 2015 on Lao language labeling. Producers, assemblers, manufacturers, packagers of products in Lao PDR, importers and goods distributors registered business as a wholesale or a distributor of a product must attach Lao language labeling prior distributing to consumers or supplying to retailers. If inspection officers found products supplied without Lao language labeling, there will be warning, fine, sanction or termination of business registration certificate. Retailers: must accept only products with Lao language labeling only. In addition, retailers must sell only products with Lao language labeling.

A sample of Lao Language Labeling


If inspection officers found products supplied without Lao language labelling, there will be warning, fine, sanction or termination of business registration certificate. Sanctions are as follow:

1)      First violation, there will be a warning and record of violation;

2)      Second violation, there will be a fine for retailers ranging from five hundred thousand to one million kip (500,000-1,000,000 kip), for producers, importers, wholesalers and distributors ranging from five million to seven million kip (5,000,000-7,000,000 kip);

3)      Third violation, there will be a fine for retailers ranging from one million to two million kip (1,000,000-2,000,000 kip) and confiscating products that are not attached Lao language labelling, for producers, importers, wholesalers and distributors ranging from seven million to nine million kip (7,000,000-9,000,000 kip) with sanction and termination of business registration certificate;

Therefore, Retailers must contact suppliers for Lao language labelling for products produced or imported for distribution prior the announcement of implementing this Order. If the suppliers cannot provide labels, Industry and Commerce Divisions in Provinces, Vientiane Capital will collaborate with District Industry and Commerce Offices to inspect and record such products. After that, there will be a periodically distribution monitoring until such products are all distributed.

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